A Bottle of Demon Juice - 2

Just a few minutes ago, I was having a peaceful lunch with a friend of mine, Leigh. I spiked her drink with the Demon Juice, and now I was here, watching the 7-foot tall woman transform in front of my eyes. "I want you to have sex with me." ...

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Chapter two: closing the deal with one opening the path to the rest.

OK so there was apparently a few people that wanted the story series to continue. So here goes number two. I hope again people will leave comments. Legal ninja raptor cavalry go! This is a M/M story with mind control drugs and people who are under...

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The Club-Breaking, and Isaak's Training

Warning, this story is both stronger in fetish and stronger in emotion than the previous story. If you didn't like it, I doubt you'll like this one. Again, do not read if the tags aren't things that appeal to you. Do not read if you are less than legal...

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The Forgotten Experiment: the beginning of the end?

Shad had the clipboard in his hand writing down the instructions as Damion gave them to him. He was sitting down at the Control panel of the huge chamber. Damion was over tinkering with the machinery, trying to reattatatch a "few things". He'd been at...

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The Forgotten Experiment: Truth and Lies (part 2)

He told me not to let the fox die...so i injected it with the prototype youth chemical we had. that molly was looking something awfull though, i wispered to myself for her not to go..." damion looked down at the floor.

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An Unlikely Relationship Chapter 12.

Alexis said then they heard "helen" by my chemical romance blasting and slowly fadding away. "also, we're not going to the mall, a friend of mine owns a jewlry shop, good prices but amazing jewarly." alexis said.

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Project Zero

"i agree with you though, i've yet to mix the chemicals and that'll be awhile. granted, we do have enough chemicals handy for about gallon of the special fluid." i informed. jade mentioned making a batch so we'd have something to show, bruce.

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Section 3

As I arrived at work Monday morning Rebecca and Jade greeted me with smiles. "Thanks again, Devin for the fun filled we passed out the second we got home." Rebecca smiled. "Same here I can't remember the last time my kids passed out so quickly." Jade...

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Section 2

Around five the next morning I woke up, crawled out of bed and took a shower. Then I got dressed, a lite breakfast then drove myself to work and parked close by. From there I slowly made my way inside the building and finally to my work station. While...

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A new beginning

Julie groaned as she woke up. Opening her eyes she shrieked as she saw a gaping maw in front of her. She scrambled away and hid behind a moss coated stump table. Cowering for several seconds with nothing happening she peeked over the mossy table and...

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What happened in the woods.

### **What Happened In The Woods** "Just fuck off" the panther said in anger as she pushed the Jaguar out of her house, with his trousers round his ankles. "What is your problem bitch?" he growled in anger. "We have known each other for two...

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Nature Study 2: Continued research

So there i sat at the portable chemical lab set and was processing the sample to remove the "in heat" pheromones.

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