The Halo: Chapter Six

The droid looked back at the lone figure for a moment before pointing back at the truck. a second figure left through the back doors and moved very low to the ground. there was something in the figure's hand. "vera? is that you?"

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The Meeting, the Greeting, and the Heating

The figure answers. the figure walks away for a moment, and then the lights flicked on. flamedramon is astounded by what he sees.

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We All Have Roles to Play

As he rounded into the aisle, he bumped, quite literally, into a figure headed out of it. his glasses were knocked askew, and the figure dropped the books it was carrying. as the figure knelt down to pick up the books, it said, "sorry 'bout thet.

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Divine: Chapter 1

The wolf called after him and when the figure wasn't looking at him, he threw a dagger he produced from his boot. the dagger hit the figure in the arm who screamed out in pain. the figure hunched over, holding his arm where the dagger had hit him.

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In The Lions Den prologue: Dream

You have nothing to fear i'm here with you.", said the ominous figure. the gentle words did nothing to console her forth coming fear. rimara startled began to back away as the figure loomed towards her.

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Parallel Universe: Ch 8

The family turned their heads towards the hooded figure and were shocked to see the figure was a skeleton from top till bottom. "nobody gets out alive!" the skeletal figure's jaws clattered.

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A Different Pokemorph Adventure

The three other figures with them were all silent. one watched the battle, the other two stared at the leader of the group. "liliana is right." the figure next to him agreed. "we need to decide on what we're doing now."

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Balance of the Gods Part 2 (Commission for Xilimyth)

The shadowy figure came up in front of the cheetah-dragon hybrid. "i know you have many questions," the figure began. "i can provide the answers you seek, baring only that the gods above will let me, but i can only answer three."

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The Corporate: Part 5 of 8

Had all of these figures had that glow? harold turned to check. harold's heart jumped in his chest. there was no more hallway behind him, just empty space. the figures he had passed, and then some, had surrounded him.

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The D Virus: Chapter 1 (Rough draft)

A small figure appears in front of him with a m16a1. the small figure seemed to be aiming at vince, causing him to slid behind a small bench. the figure didn't pay much attention to him, focusing at the group of infected.

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Chapter 1

Hi" spoke the figure outside, somewhat uncomfortably. "i erm... wondered if..." "look mate" said the pair of yellow eyes, now checking over him almost like they were scanning the figure for some kind of deception.

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The Adventures of Lavender - The Astrolabe : Part 1 "The Astrolabe"

The tall black figure spoke. his voice was deep and raspy. the center figure, in a flurry of spinning blades, turned violently to face the voice as the two figures knelt beside the center figure.

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