Weird Dream #1

He inferred there was some theological metaphor regarding this crowbar, and i sniffed it out quick quickly. i was pleased with myself, with my knowledge, and then the bright skies darkened.

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Feral Dialysis - III - Death Wish (Preview)

And with that, his elaborate metaphorical eggs that began to drop turned out to be quite real.

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S1-Ep1- Formation of the rebels

"this is athena silver" said his mother "she is arranged to marry you within a month" as if comedically there is a metaphorical record scratch. athena is 6'1 with her father mr.

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Eden Garter, Dragon Anomaly, ch. 1

Are your words metaphorical or literal this time?" katrina's question was met the white-cloaked figure's compassionate, "both." both.... of course it was both. he always spoke in double-meanings.

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Personal Introduction

I am not really missing my middle fingers, i just wrote that as a metaphor for a personal struggle of mine. but yeah, here's my personal introduction. i will be uploading this story here, at weasyl, and at furaffinity.

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Precursors: Decisions

"that was like three different metaphors, bethany." "you get what i'm saying, sweets." "you want crazy, bet?" jun. "_that's_ crazy. you're under estimating them. there goes what secrecy we have left.

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Undying Affection

Once again, he was reminded of the metaphorical hammer that was jennifer as she smashed his glass heart and broke their relationship off forever.

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Entry #1 (July 15)

When one discusses the concept of emotion and when or when not to express said emotion, they tend to use the metaphor of a bottle. such discontent and pessimistic ideas begin to fill this bottle to keep from slipping.

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Stay on the Path (Feral Hyena TF) [COLLAB]

The plan was all according to plan, she just had to wait for the right moment to "strike" in the metaphorical sense. jessica did enjoy seeing the animals, but wasn't a big fan of the large group aspect. eventually, her moment came.

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Hypnovember 2023 - Day 21: Forget (Claimed by DannyTheFox)

He shook his head, trying to get rid of the persistent metaphors. but all things considered, the plot was just like the style - comfy. it was a nice idea to entertain, an author being made to read his own stuff without knowing he'd written it before.

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Are you starting to think in metaphors?" "yes. a little." "good. by the time they reach this point, most of my sideki-my \*companions\* have collapsed and screamed until they passed out. the metaphors should stop in a few hours."

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3:9 Lucid

The silence, like everything else, was simply a metaphor for something. he wasn't sure what that _was_, only that making logic of his surroundings was nearly impossible.

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