The Pride & The Pack

I took what I needed out of the locker and shut the door. I locked it and started to turn just as his large hands slammed onto the lockers either side of me. He stood in front of me, wearing a towel and nothing else. He towered over my mere...

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Party Pack

After having sucked off each and every one of his 'pack mates', he had found himself easily the biggest of the bunch. his huge ten-pack was testament to that.

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Expansion Pack

Perhaps she could have stayed home and waited for the digital download of the expansion pack to be available and avoided the hassle... only they were giving bonuses at the game store!

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The Law of The Pack

"every pack must have an alpha, who must lead the pack through times both good and bad. it is the law of the pack, and it always has been. it always will be so, also. i feel as though the time has come to choose a successor.

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The Pack, Introductions

"no, i won't let the little one die because of our pack." blu said glaring at wisp as he spoke. "blu you can't endanger the whole pack because he looks like your brother!" balto said in a sharp bark.

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Pack leader

You act like the leader but your not, no real leader would put there pack through all this bullshit" the eldest growled "oh really, how would you know?"

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Breeding The Pack

He slipped out of his clothes, throwing his pack against the wall before peeling out of his pants to stand nude. his sharp ears could hear his sister and her friends, the scent of them still tingeing the air as he dragged the change towards him.

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Needing a Pack

Guy is attacked by a werewolf in the woods and becomes his liaison for making a pack. needing a pack by eiji otaka tommy a star basketball player at woodard university was taking a jog through the campus forest trails the day before practice.

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Leader of the Pack

Chapter -15- leader of the pack _january 14, noon hst uncharted island, pacific ocean_ ... ** topaz parker's thoughts swirled about in her head**.

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Pack Hierachy

The pack den was a large cave with many caverns. it needed to be to accommodate the large canine pack, most of which were evolved forms.

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Rem's pack

He asked my as he started to pack clothes for his trip home. classes were over for winter break, a lot of people were heading home for the holidays. i gave him a nod, "kind of. my family doesn't approve, so staying with james' family instead."

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The Rat Pack

"now then...hope you didn't forget you've got the rest of my pack here as well boy." nathan's ears flickered as he began to hear the sound of zippers, belts, and pants falling down.

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