Intimate Kodak Moments

Prettiest thylacine in the whole world, she didn't need a _thing_. and then, in retaliation, she'd picked up her groceries for the week and given him the heavy things to carry all the way back to her place. yeah. she'd seen right through him.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Bannihar's Post Milestone

Of the casualties, only raes, elesin, and the thylacine survived, but all three were unconscious.

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Dangerous Jade: First Chapter Preview

That they were gengineered thylacines with identical genes, much like how he and his brothers were black-furred jaguar clones.

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Off Label Use

Like, look at that table over there, there's a pretty thylacine talking to an overgrown lab mouse. wow. isn't that weird? troy didn't get it. maybe being the overgrown lab mouse in question was a factor.

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A Pond to remember.

Red thylacine stripes rose up with my body as my wings shifted quietly, just as my body dove off the rock ledge and glided downward from above the poor creature!

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E. Dante's 'Who am I?'

Admit one the main difference between this and the posters of old was that the image of the image of the performer's face, usually quite human, was in fact the stylised head of a now extinct predator, the thylacine.


Kellmore Classic for Men

He tilted his head the opposite way, smoothed his hands down her bare back, along the black tiger-stripes thylacines had cutting all the way down their back and tail and rear.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 70: All That You Are (Rising Part II)

The thylacine said to her youngling. "as i said, there aren't any other challengers." the human/tiger hybrid declared confidently. \*tap\* \*tap\* "i don't know about that. it looks like our ref wouldn't mind taking a shot."

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The paragon of animals

"good on ya," the thylacine grinned, patting him on the shoulder. "next target?" there were plenty. the denel walker had forty-eight rounds, twenty-four for each gun, and they went through them quickly.

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Hunter's Guild Database.

She is the first living thylacine in almost 300 years. and finally curse was given a felis sapius, who had been named guide. she was unique in being capable of breathing underwater. sadly, guide died in an incident a month after her acceptance.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Bannihar Milestone 1a

A corpse snatches for my boot and it receives a crushed paw for all the trouble; i'm no specialist at unarmed combat, but you don't get anywhere near a thylacine's feet and expect to come away unscathed.

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