Fallout Equestria: Letters to Celestia - Chapter 2

And the wasteland is not your friend. **chapter two** dear princess celestia, the wasteland makes monsters of us all _"slavery is a weed that grows on every soil...even if it's irradiated.

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Scavenger Part 3 (Commission for Giza)

And when they started running out, soon it was random wastelanders, 'prisoners' from the post-apocalyptic wasteland above, that were dumped into the room she was kept in, to consume them.

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Empire of Sand

A wasteland that tests the endurance of even the mightiest warriors. great sand dunes that stretch up into the sky like great mountains marking the way for those foolish enough to wander the great desert roads.

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Haunt Chapter 2: The Every Key

wastelanders are very family centered after all. any event which would force one to leave would have to be traumatic.

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Adventurous Fox Ch 1 (A Slave's Fate)

As i stepped into the sunlight to have a better view of the road i asked gidly nervously "you don't think he's going to abandon us in the wastelands right?"

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Revenge(chapter 1)

My ears twitched as i listened to the sounds of the wasteland around me. the faint sound of gunshots in the distance. the wind whistling through long dead bushes. the crumbling ruins growing weaker every day. yep, sounds like the wasteland.

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Melting the Snow

"looks like i get to enjoy your company awhile longer, wasteland."

Ramming Through Raider Toys

Ramming Through Raider Toys For W0lfSwelp3 By Draconicon Riley had made the mistake of trying to snipe out a bandit camp without any back-up. Considering that it had worked with a few of the smaller patrols in the area,...

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Mojave Redemption - Part 9

Somewhere in the back of his mind a voice reminded him drinking alcohol in the wasteland was a bad idea; but he didn't care, nothing fucking mattered anymore, now that he realized that he himself had caused all this with his own sheer idiocy.

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The Dark City: A New Encounter

Past the rocky outcrop, it opens up into a vast flat wasteland with nothing but remnants of what use to look like vehicles, and the cement pillars of a highway that have long been forgotten.

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Mojave Redemption - Part 7

Jacob wondered what the hell had made that noise, or even if he was just losing it, when out of the silence that had followed the "thump"s came an equally faint whistling sound, this time from above. Jacob sat there thinking he must finally have lost...

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Dark's story (part 1)

In his headset, he heard someone yelling at him angrily" dark demonwing zero, you get your ass back here this instant before i kick it over the fence and into the wasteland!" indeed they did live in a sort of wasteland.

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