Chapter 7: The Contact

Although the man had a strong, cynical views toward others, he had experience under the belt since the start of the scarlet-civil war, negotiating with a variety groups of people of the years.

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Season and Spice #2

They were finishing their loop in the civil war room and were leaving when brandon found his answer. "i know i liked drawing.

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Changing Times: A Vampire's Tale

It took more than eight years to clear my name and set things right, but the civil war itself ended within three years of starting. nothing escaped the wrath of that civil war.

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{The Conquest} - Prologue

The setting is rakuen, the paradise healed by furui but scorched once more by a civil war between the bureau.

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**Galaxy at War**: Prologue

30 years after the events now known as the "human purge", a civil war was waged on earth's moon by politicians trying to gain what little power the earth federation had left.

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Steven Universe: White Death

White diamond look outside and all of homeworld was dead due to a civil war. black ravens ated the corpses and even took out an eye!

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Spring Fever world building

During the civil war, hathia sided with the south as a way to rebel against the u.s who had invaded them. hathia never fell but nonetheless stayed with the u.s.


A Strange Act of Kindness : Part 4

With both embassies stationed on site, i can't picture what kind of civil war that would break out if they found out about the bomb. chaos. civil war. problematic... that's why i hired you--you're spooks." "payment?"

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Furtheid's Shadow - prologue/intro +sneak peek

As you can see, most of these countries failed to do so, generating a civil war worldwide. the furries got lost, so they couldn't get together to fight for their own space. some even managed to achieve good status.

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Via Fateful Encounter (Super Short Story)

It felt so good.. his mind was having a civil war. he wanted her to stop and let him free and run away. he knew if he could just make it to the water he could escape his captor.

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"the great civil war...humans showing, those aren't it..." he murmered, flipping pages through the book. "no, not that, not that...and -" quickly he glanced at the heading of the book. he rushed to the phone.

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