Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt2.

** nurse joy screamed against the insectoid length pushing through her mouth sending vibration down along it much to the first scythers delight. **"scyther..scyth!"** [she's perfect!]

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A Desperate Charmeleon

At this point, the many bug and plant-type pokemon of the forest had begun to gather around to glare at the (no longer) fearsome charmeleon.

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[Borderlands 2] Gaige x Varkids

A clear bulge just under her navel as the bug happily thrust away into its helpless victim. the brutal rape continued for what felt like hours to gaige but in reality was only a few minutes of brutal rape.

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Astraifort Estate RC1

Also, there is a bug submission form. players can now report any in-game problem or grammar issues they might find. and with this, the groundwork for the game should be done. i'll be working on the ending now.

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The Adventures of Detectives Olivia Thunderspear and Tara Fairydust

The answer, a poisonous bug. they were told to add the bug to a drink, then hand it to the shark. they returned to the top floor, and looked around for the shark in the red suit, luckily everyone was wearing black so it wasn't that hard.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Route 118 and 119

A delinquent then challenged me with a cacnea and i sent out my volbeat and had him use bug buzz defeating cacnea. the second pokemon sent out was a mightyena and i substituted for my illumise having her use bug buzz defeating mightyena.

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Infestation Dawning

_you damn disgusting bug. you want me to do this to others, to make them freaks, too?

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Bug Juice

Her claws destroyed the bed frame and her wings beat against bryan's face, her hole soaking the bed with her sugary sweet bug juice.

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Minuet of Forest - Chapter 2

"there's a bug. i saw it on b-ws neck earlier" ren said as he nervously looked around, almost like he was afraid of being seen. "he brushed his hair back and i saw a bug on his neck.

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Yuriko's Infestation

There the similarities between each of them ended, as each creature seemed to be different, each having a varying assortment of insectoid features.

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