Gammas Racc Snack

The chewing motion continued to mulch over his body. his slender figure began to sink down into the beast's gullet. the raccoon's body trembled from the intense, shattering pain. his lower half was continually wetly chewed on.

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Kayla: A New Friend

"sorry to be there to watch that", kayla appologized for her embarassment, knowing it must have been hard to be chewed on infront of someone.

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Jason The Fox - Vore Story

Jason is continues to chew up the rabbit. while the taste of blood is nothing new, he is enjoyed the way it kind of popped out of the rabbit's body when he started chewing. he then proceeds to swallow the chewed up rabbit.

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 16-The Resistance

I placed it between my paws and ripped off the biggest piece i could fit in my mouth and still chew at the same time. it was amazing,it melted so much,i almost didn't have to chew it. needless to say that piece of meat satisfied my hunger.

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A dead guest

The smilodon started chewing enthusiasticaly, pressing her fags against the lioness' belly and chest. her tongue lapped at her stomach, and zoe found herself moving so she could have more of her body chewed on.

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Playing with your food.

His head yanked a little back as the piece finally came off, he then chewed right next to your ear, making you hear your own flesh being chewed. once he judge that it was enough he raised a paw and turned your chin then said in a whisper.

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Best Buds...

While the big lion was bucking and meowing, as his groin was filled with the agony of having a big predator chew his huge nut into pulp. the big golden felines mouth hang open, as he looked down watching jeremy chew up his male hood.

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Charns Train...

Charn chews right through the thick knot, cleaving it in half. and then shaves off the remainder of it... chewing and nibbling on the raw nerves just like the two before him.


Beta Version

Noticed various pieces of their new bodies getting chewed up.

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A odd sandwich filling

After only a few moments of the tongue pushing at the teens food you cant move at all anymore rolled up in a simple ball of warm chewed up mess nothing happening till "gulp!"

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Practice Makes Perfect

Just keep it down and keep chewing. nice and slow. chew for me, boy. good boy. right then, lad. it's time for you to swallow. don't think about what you're eating. don't think about your stomach. don't think about any of that.

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Taking Advantage...

Even as he chews, teeth sliding to crunch and chew against those strong, thick cords. the cervine jocks big virile nuts having no protection against the tiger's hunger.

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