Dani in the forest.

To say the least, the leiss was dazzled at the quick glimpse of the macro skunk's panties. and uh, surprised too, of course, but mainly dazzled, "whoa, where'd... you come from?"

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The Hunted

Slowly patches of light flowed over the the cage as the cameras synced up giving glimpses of the form inside. it was a fox, a vixen.

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Kaisa and Adina: Carpool

He shifted his beer forward slightly and decided to risk another glimpse, only to observe an empty seat. it was then that he felt the hot breath in his ear, and the soft paw sliding its way down his stomach to his pants. "you know it's rude to stare."


Tale Across Time: Intro

In the eastern wing, the windows are open, a light shines through the closed curtains, allowing a glimpse... shall we take a look? a first glimpse is hard, the light is dim and faded... let your eyes adjust.

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Chapter Twelve: The Storm

After only a short time in the air, i glimpsed a flash of movement in between the treetops below us. star glanced down and commented, 'it seems that our plans did not go unheard. that's attinda following us now!'

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A Tale of Tantalizing Tentacles

As he swung to his left he caught a glimpse of what had him in it's grasps, a tentacle. "so the legend is true after all" he thought as he continued to swing helplessly high in the air.

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Reaper (extract)

I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror suspended on the wall above the bedside table. i had one bedside table since i lived alone and a tall, slender mirror suspended above that.

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Helfer's Busy Day Chapter 9

Between them, helfer could just glimpse his full hardness bobbing temptingly. without removing any of his clothes, he slipped to the floor and slid his paw down there, tracing the other's sheath and sac, teasing beneath his tail.

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The Fun Has Just Begun! (Part 5)

Other than the occasional glimpse of her mother's breasts, they couldn't make out anything else. however, chelsea stuck her paw into her pants anyway. watching her mother being pleasured was enough to set her off.

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Chapter Three - First Encounter

I peer through the splinter of space, hoping to catch a glimpse of the apartment interior. "ah, david, it's good to see you found your way. please, come have a seat." his voice is gruff and foreign, a strange twang to every word he speaks.

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Chapter 8 - The Rabbit and the Ghost

To geist though, he saw a full bodied apparition, but only a glimpse as it glided away. he noticed the figure was female, perhaps a deer, and a strange little bow on her tail as she disappeared behind the wall.

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Waterlogged - Not a Waterfall

I caught a glimpse of the grey sky above before passing back by those little shrubs. a swirl of lines spiraled there above, almost @-like in shape. silence comforted me, blocking out pesky distractions.

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