A New Partner: Chapter 1

Next, i focused and regurgitated the guard, plopping him out onto the floor between my legs... the guard as well crawled to a wall, opposite of the kobold and was trying to relax...

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A Slip off the Tongue

"you could try to regurgitate me?" "i won't do that. it's gross." "but... how will i get out, then? i don't think i can climb up your throat without help. your muscles are too powerful." "yeah, that doesn't seem very likely."

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The End: Chapter 11: Aftermath.

The third heave brought me to my stomach and i continued to regurgitate everything i had until finally there was nothing left and i simply lied there with my head draped over the side of the ramp. "you goddamn idiot..."


The gryphon and the couatl

It is always easier for a serpent to regurgitate prey than to swallow it. hook-beak could wash in a stream, feathers perhaps discolored by stomach juices, and survive. he said nothing.

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Best Way to Travel Pt.2

Murress is regurgitated safely at the new airport and someone has a request of the large pred. part 3 will most likely be the conclusion.

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Sex On The Beach

Sirblood looked at will and wipped a drop of regurgitated coffee off of the right side of his muzzle and said, "yeah its the way i like it. but the cream and sugar are over there."

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a tale of dragon's part 13

It looked as if the gaping jaws of hell had regurgitated it to wreak havoc on unsuspecting humans.

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A Change in Focus

If i wish to relax, there is our big shade tree to lie under and then having the urge, i chew my regurgitated cud.

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A Child's Vengenance; Chapter 1

After finishing his unpleasant regurgitation, he offered a handkerchief. he sniffled, taking the offering tissue to his mouth, nose, and chin.

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Elorn: Book of Cauru (part 1)

He inspect the regurgitated mess of what was last nights dinner in the middle of the room. "lords, the smell. why haven't you eaten?" he asked me, however i couldn't find my voice to answer his question. "speak you useless, green mutt!"

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Gingerbread Man: 2109, Chapter 6, The Dream

"you'll live; i gave you only enough of my venom to paralyze you so you'll recover after i regurgitate you," she pulled him tighter and he winced when she clenched him, "after we're finished."

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Friend and Slave Chapter 6 - Monsters

He breathes heavily, holding his stomach and fighting the urge to regurgitate. as he sucks air down, kirik simply looks down at the ground, fidgeting with something between his fingers and saying nothing. "i'm really sorry..."

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