Saber's War - Chapter 1: Changes in Status
"mmmm, i thought i would feel at least a little pain from the gene splicing, but i feel great." he reaches for the control to turn off the lights so he can get some more rest.
Proselytize: Subject 31-773
Branch one is biomechanics and neural interface implants, branch two is genetics and splicing and branch three is controlled mutations." dmitri answered without looking back.
Chapter 2: What am I?
You are the leading scientist in genetic splicing, now whether you remember what that is or not, i don't know but basically you work on dna, you split it in half and stick different parts together to modify a someone or something's appearance. why?
Commentary on the Apocalypse
And were it not enough, they defied all the gods of every religion when they began to clone human dna spliced together with that of animals. for what purpose they did this, i can only fathom.
The Den
He must have been large even before his genes had been spliced. the black sports jacket and tight v neck t-shirt couldn't hide his large chest, over-sized gut, and massive arms.
Broken Things
splicing two wires together, the synth squealed and a spark snapped, making sheppy yelp and snatch his fingers away, putting them in his mouth and sucking them like a puppy.
When you undergo the treatment your dna will be spliced with that of cattle._bos taurus_. our primary interest is you, mrs. reimond.
Teaser: Law and Orders
Most of her classmates stemmed from the 2100 trends of their parents splicing animal d.n.a. to create two-legged wolves, horses, and above all, _foxes_.
Cowgirl Apocalypse : Document 104B
Like people spliced with animals like the news said! though more specificity they were 100% some mix of human and cow. i got a closer look thanks to a pair of binocular i forgot were even in the house. they were like i had said previously.
Ethereal - Cracks - Chapter 1
Head scientist kyrin and his accomplices have done some dna splicing. add that with some extra infusion of some mystery compounds... and bam you got a test subject. but what if that doesn't go according to plan? or maybe it all is... see for yourself.
To Be Or Not...
They've had 'mixed results' with their 'hybridisaton' project, trying to splice human and animal dna together, to give their 'subjects'' the ability to speak, reason and learn.
Isolation-Excerpt 4-Chemical 240
Jacob said a man from his side of the lab slipped and dropped a beaker of experimental gene splicing agent known as chemical 240. we knew it could spread if left unchecked, but we didn't think it would do what it did." "what happened?"