Introduction - Lilliana Fargo

Sitting in her cluttered cubicle, surrounded by stacks of tractor feed, 12 pin dot matrix printout of java source code, lilliana fargo flipped through pages circling line after line with a ballpoint pen the 6 foot tall liger, lion tiger mix, was always

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Farm Life

He cautioned, imagining for a moment, trying to haul bags of manure, or lunking around tractor parts.. 'i reckon you'll be shadowing patches for now. he can get you settled in. hayseed, i need a hand with the tractor again.

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In the Enemy's Territory #17

I plowed their fields because their tractor was broken, at least up until they used my rank beads to buy a new engine, but that came later.

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Chapter 19 - Unfortunate Revalations

The video followed a speeding tractor trailer and cab heading towards an intersection. as user tracked the truck as he sped forward, he stops suddenly right in front of the camera at the crosswalk just past the red light.

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7 Year Journey

We can be in range to tractor them in approximately two minutes." "do so. ensign rutan, hail the planet." she ordered. general mcelroy appeared. "what happened up there?" he demanded.

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Winter Help – Chapter Six

He was facing away from me, and i slowed the lawn tractor shamelessly to take in the view.

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The Bureau: Chapter Five

In the following hour, the _adamant_approached the flagship, but the crew wasn't prepared for the tractor beam to grab them.

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Weeds - Chapter 1 - Where there's smoke...

She's better with fixing stuff like tractors over lifting heavy things. i know she and becky were fixing the laundry machine today. they've probably been done for hours now." "huh." "yeah. sammy's pretty smart too.

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Sleeping without the Remote (Otherwise Untitled)

The apartment replied with a combination of silence, and the sound of tractor pull trucks failing to break garden hoses. ~ he had been warm. he had been comfortable.

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A tractor rocked the craft, as they were pulled towards the monster. he stood, unable to do anything as the outworld federation logo appeared, big as a moon. the jarps were ecstatic. they had heard of the practices aboard outworld ships..


White Card: Got what you asked for

His folks had let him run off on his own since they were looking at the tractors and he wanted to ride the rides, and play the games. he had a wrist band that let him on all the rides so there was no problems there.

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