All Together Now!

Twitter went from uptight scientist to teasing vixen. her eyelids drooped sleepily, curly hair framed her face, and - ivan swore he would die of a heart attack - she wore the same purple sheath dress seraph had on the first time.

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Gutter Punks Pt.2-A New Home

Funny thing is most of the punks in this uptight little town are squatters or homeless. we could see friendly fire on stage. they sucked pretty badly. there was a pretty small crowd for that band.


Chapter 1: Wetness and Illness

It was a rainy day, and after haggling with an uptight elderly pikachu fruit vendor decided it wasn't worth the effort.

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Orca Sol: Chapter Four - Solitary

She was uptight, obsessive-compulsive. cold. she couldn't feel. she had no sense of humor ... she sniffed, breathing out, hanging her head and looking to the floor of the shower. looking at her legs and foot-paws. blinking the water out of her eyes.

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Cinder-Ella Chapter 5

"i like the crowd of people, though a lot of them seem a bit uptight." cinder said, walking.

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Once Upon the End, Act Two

He bolted uptight, ears rotating and eyes peeled, listening and looking for anything that might present itself in the dark.

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Two Worlds: Riding Insanity (9)

So stop being an uptight little bitch and let out the _wild animal_ in you." she pushed away from kevin and took a few steps back, her ears twitching. from hanging around anthro's so much, kevin could tell that meant someone was coming this way.

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2. Anna gets trunked 2

She was uptight, aggravating and only cared about how much money she could get from whoever she could. her name was mrs abigail richardson and pegasus swore she was put in this world just to make his life a living hell.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 1.1 Myre

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of the uptight priestess being carried unceremoniously, but she managed to surprise me with her next words. "thank you, bahrla..." she panted, "i am really not made for this."

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Iconoclast reboot part 3

I had thought that a traditional desert tribe would be more uptight, but she explained their tribe had always welcomed outsiders, even non-khajiit, which is why her parents didn't get mad and claw me to bits.

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Desiderio 4

Would he think i was way uptight if i came with a button up shirt? would he think that i dress too much like a "badass" if i wore a leather jacket? "you're getting defensive, over someone you just met." "it's 'cause he likes you.

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To Pay A Man's Respects With Blood 1 - Randy's Beef Hold-Up

Cal turned to the speaker, obviously uptight, "shut the fu-... uh..." he looked at me, paused then turned back to the speaker demanded, "...

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