The Lost Arrow ch1, Zakkaision

Somewhere in the northern part of the kanto region. the cold northern night wind bites into a pair of travelers as one of them tries to get some rest. he wishes yet again that his partner did not lose their backpacks which had their sleeping bags.

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Jim Chronicles 5 : Celadon City

The pair traveled for three days through the pleasant and cool summer weather of the kanto region before arriving to the most populated city in kanto.

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Chapter 4: We arrive in Cerulean City, Our Party Gets Larger, and Our Enemy's Plans are partially revealed.

He blinked and said "a lucario in the kanto region?" i nodded and he said "well that's interesting, and i'm glad to hear your charmander evolved, but you're slightly behind lena who's already gotten two badges and sent me several pokemon."

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ch 24 a devils redemption (part 1)

According to the documents i found, he was known as the 'angel of the eternal flame' and served the kingdom of rohta around 600 years ago in the kanto region across the sea. he was apparently a knight who few opponents could hold their own against."

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Watcher of Arceus Chapter 4

"that's in the kanto region; you'll have to be a bit cautious out there." andrew informed them. "their punishment for a human and pokemon being together may not be as severe as in the sinnoh region, but they can still put rebecca down.

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A Bolt Out of the Blue

The promise in the letter that had started kody's travels through the kanto region was about to finally pay off.

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Team Claw! [Commission]

Perhaps you should just try making it work here in the kanto region. the scenery around you slowly changed into a lush forest as you kept on walking aimlessly, trying to decide the best, next course of action for team claw.

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Team Red Rocket

It is the team rocket base hidden north-east of the lake of rage in a remote location at the foot of the mountain range that divides johto and kanto regions.

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Chapter 16

\kanto region to your cave, more out of familiarity. plus, it is still your cave. now you've got two caves. speaking of which, wouldn't it be interesting if... you had a connection between your dragon's den and your other cave?

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Chapter 1: My journey gets off to a late start

Being in the kanto region meant that i'd probably end up with a charmander, bulbusaur, or squirtle depending on what doc thought would suit me.

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Watcher of Arceus Chapter 6

Good day and we hope you enjoy the kanto region." they disembarked from the ship and hope that most of the excitement from the ship was over.

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The Shade Chronicles- The Time Complex

This is consisted of the johto and kanto regions. you, mary "loony", tony "pj", & alyssa "child" are now squad 115, the most elite commando squad that will ever be trained. your squad's callsign shall be "stray dogs." you know what it means.

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