A Different Kind of Bonding
We sit here and watch endless re-runs of 'gyarados falls'?" he asked, turning towards her, scowling. "unless we find something better to do, then yes." she said sweetly. "for christs sake!" he said, pounding his fast on the arm of the lounge.
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 111
"he takes on thousands of gyarados, then faints when he see's a legendary up close?" rose smiled with slight sweat on her face. trotting up, rapidash let out a loud noise, the girls jolting and looking over the carriage. "he's okay!
Broke Out Breeder
In the water below, tentacruel and gyarados eyed her with evil, hungry smiles that charged hydro pumps in the hopes that they would get a free meal.
What You Mean to Me, Chapter 12
I thought that i had a good team; there was luxray, my first pokemon and best friend, gyarados, who was probably the strongest pokemon i had, my semisear, throh and sawk and finally, the scolipede i caught just before i went into the championship league.
ch 24 a devils redemption (part 1)
Want some more gyarados steak?" this made ash become a little blue in the face as he gulped, "uh... no thanks." kazeerah smirked, "i thought that'd perk ya up a bit."
The Club 6 - Issues
Will even saw a massive gyarados swim by. he could've sworn it gave him 'the eye,' it was disturbing to say the least. "wait here." susan said, drawing will's attention immediately. "i'll be right back."
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 105
"yes, the entei statue will act as a canon of sorts, while the length of the hull will have turrets lining it from bow to stern, with various levels of power ranging from a stun type of blast, in the case of a gyarados-type situation for example, to stronger
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 92
Flew it right over the gyarados leader back on the surface!" he grinned with a peace sign, smith and the yamask blinking at him in surprise.
West Islands Chapter 6: Mission Preparation
"can you recount your battles with the gyarados and the gallade; what were they like?" volcan grimaced. "the gyarados was destructive, and savage.
West Islands Chapter 8: Tragedy
His thoughts raced back to the battle in azure, when the gyarados had attacked the town; the same attack that luke had used to severely wound that gyarados, he was about to use again. "get clear!"
Pokemon: Moral Shadows- Chapter 1
I was kind of scarred about what pokémon this kid might have: a gyarados, a machamp, a giant garchomp. my imagination was running wild.
Giving Health a Chance
Time and sometimes people would fall through and emerge in the new time as a pokemon, some ghost and psychic pokemon could cause nightmares of a person turning into a pokemon that sometimes became real, even an ancient legend describing a king who became a gyarados