Junior Year: Bone and a Punch

You're a self-centered jackass." i told him off. "dude, you've always had a foul attitude towards me." "you know what, don't. don't even start that shit." he looked at me with hurt eyes.

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Prize Fighter: Black Mark

Or maybe he was just a jackass in the bar. she knew the big man liked to use her rage in the ring as a rather affordable assassination technique. even if she lost, he'd get a good show out of it.

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A Permanent Countryside Vacation

A mane bristled down his back, burning a cross into his features as befit a jackass mohawk.

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A Shameful secret Chap 5

The sexy mare moaned out loudly, her head swimming with the horny jackass's thick masculine scent, even as quivers of pleasure tingled within her sex. "he's really big..."

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A shameful secret 6

Something that by rights of marriage belong only to him, and now he could just imagine the jackass's gloating grin as he claimed it.

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"i'm sorry, but its not my fault all the people around here are jackasses." she lifted her fingers, and pressed them against her temples.


Episode 2: The Box

But now he's a jackass who is stubborn and doesn't know how to be a person! it's like talking to a brick wall! you get nowhere and it's almost impossible to break through without the necessary tools! and what are those tools?"

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Draykan's Hoard 12

"fight me, jackass!" "you wanna go another round with me?" he asks, his wings spreading. "last time we duked it out, that's what got us into this mess," he smirks. "but i gotta admit, it's hot when you're feisty." "f... fuck you."

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 22

"you _always_ speak your mind, you jackass!" "well this time it's particularly warranted!" "no! you have no right to lecture me like this, like you're so superior! not after i went out of my way to drag you out of the gutter, you damn souse!"

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Ass for an Ass

The smells and sounds of a sexed craving jackass filled the barn.

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Hard Times

What if that cop was more of a racist jackass? he could have easily made up a story to get the both of them in trouble. what would have happened if they had been taken to jail?
