Failed Containment- Chapter 8: Observational Data Leak

He rationalized that he should get some rest before his meeting with the protectorate curator, but in reality, he just couldn't resist touching the alluring foxgirl as she slept. he didn't think she'd mind.

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Lore: Gods of the Ferroverse

Later depictions show him as the curator of a vast library, filled with books, tomes, and scrolls with all history written. the likeness of a fox with a book is often used in libraries, both physical and online.

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Microscope - Chapter 1

A team of special curators, commissioned by the ministry of culture, oversaw the artefacts and owned the keys. i need to tell the culture minister to loan me the book, thought milvus. wait... i still need to fill that position...

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Costume Crush

The carefully curated shirt that reese had worn, showing alternating flesh and fabric, was sinking into his skin as well, becoming his identity. the criss-cross straps, the holes, the contours... it all became an impressive tattoo.

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Elora's Other Half

But he'd asked me for another hour to study his tome, so i tried to keep my mind distracted by reading about spells for plant curation. i lifted a rock off the page i'd been reading and turned the page before putting the rock back.

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Crystal Dell Chronicles - To Hold Chapter 5

Nor was it the perfectly sculpted and curated gardens and gloriously cultivated rows of trees that filled the space between the towers without making them seem crowded.

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A Most Flexcellent Stream

The otter grinning his dashingly curated smile at the form, at least for a moment before a small spark of recollection fired in his mind. 'oh-ho~ chat's got a real funny sense of taste, huh? not this pup's first rodeo, huh?'

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Power, Strength & Appetite | Entree+ Sized Comm

So much trust, so many yeas carefully curating the young prince's infatuation; it all came crashing down, boiled over into pure horror.

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The Stars Above

"well we do, and from what i hear from good old adala, you and i should get along just fine, mister museum curator." trent clapped him on the back, nearly knocking the wind out of him. "come on. everyone wants to meet you."

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An Opus for a Penguin

At the agriculture canada office that housed the museum executives she flashed her government courier pass to get access to the chief curator.

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Rise of the Rodent 1

Rather than beaches that had been carefully curated and sanded from the desert further inland, the shores on the west side of the river were covered in concrete, creating docks and ports for the cargo ships that came through, and warehouses that blocked off

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Making friends (commission for Kodi)

That was why the kecleon brothers had made a fortune selling curative items after all. yes, blucario thought he could risk it. and if not, he could always retort to using a different technique... but he would only do that as a last resort.

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