Ode to a Goldfish

A remorsed land awaits us, a horrifying tale to be told. no man ever to be held, for every one a soul to curse. maybe one day i will look up and see the sunlight, the beautiful skies.

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A Dragon's Awakening - Chapter 4

Tiamat bowed all five of her heads with remorse. "less than 1 standard year. they can only control a small part of the creature but with time, they will release it fully into the realms and we will cease to exist."

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Psycho Killer

._ _shredding hell eternally, remorse, internally dreading anguished nightmares_ ......... (a worried look on kari's face appeared...there was an omen in this message.) kari: ......who sent this...? erin: hi.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 45

Even more clearly, she could still see the iron tip of wardo's spear, coming to end her life just like garten's, but she knew that her killer would not feel any pain or remorse, only pride.

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The Stone Warrior

16th century europe was no place to be jewish- in the countryside, pogroms or anti-jewish persecutions which would often result in the burning of synagogues and the deaths of many jews had reached eytan's ears and filled his heart with remorse.

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Mind Fuck

Each time the cock hit a different part of his mind, now he knew french, now he knew what is was like to cum for hours without remorse, now he knew why blue. yes! he knew why blue!

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You Could Be Happy

And instead of reacting with sorrow and remorse, he had shown anger, without even knowing why.

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Cold Metal: Chapter one: On the run.

"you can't leave, tamaya" he said, his green eyes showing no remorse or mercy. "toglir...please...i can't go back there!" she cried, pointing back down the street and starting to cry.

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My mind, which had all sorts of romantic notions about peace and remorse before, was clear for the first time in my life as the three remaining fairies started to advance on me. i had to get them before they killed me. it was that simple.

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The Journey of the Dark Crystal: Epilogue

Thinking about herself, though she knew her life had been timed, she had no remorse.

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The Forgotten Wolf, Chapter 5: Hiding the Truth

He clenched his teeth, flinching once more in his remorse, before reaching around to hug charity. "oh brother..." she whispered, feeling the reality of being in her brother's presence.


New Life Pt.4 Demons1-Frank

There was no thought no hesitation and even as i watched the light fade from his eyes i felt no remorse, i felt alive.

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