Of Stars and Flame ~ Prologue

The main character, shawn, isn't 'me', granted could be construed as a representation of myself in this universe, and his design is entirely the same as mine... so, decide for yourself i guess. in the distant shining star i saw it...

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Pin and Paper Ep.1 ch.1

I was happy with my creation and felt it was a good representation of my feeling. i wanted to keep adding to the image but just as i was about to start working on the background donita called me into the kitchen. she made an early dinner.

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A New (Under)Desk Jockey

The representation of the real world flickered around her as she fast-traveled through it, coming back together with a few flickery, hazy bits before it was all back to normal.

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Kayla: Injustice

"i would also like to inquire as to where my representation is", jacob made sure to ask accusingly up towards the admiral, who's rank lapels shined as he turned his head from the prosecution table to glare at the accused.

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_"i see them,"_chaika assured and she blew up the representation on the tac-map. harper watched the picture bloom until only two holographic ships remained hovering over the holo-table.

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The Dragon Dance (letter)

Our artistic representation of nature couldn't be further from the truth about nature. vivaldi, constable, wordsworth were all wrong. what they showed was only the nature bended to satisfy our own criteria.


Inaccurate Assumptions

Legal representation: minimal." the snow leopard's voice never rose above that odd, almost robotic whisper. "tell me. what brings you to kusan city, and my company, with so little to recommend you?" the tigress had every intention of lying.

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The End

Now, it is the physical representation of hell.

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Captain of the Night Splinter

The demon is the unleashed representation of her own hidden evils, desires and power, only magnified beyond her reach. jacqueline's own struggle for her old good side to control it is what lead to her struggles to control it in the first place.

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The Black Rose: Sending a Message

Stringy, tall, and shivering, the husky looked like an especially sad representation of his species, the usual canine muscle nowhere in evidence on his slight frame.

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The Morning After and the Inquistion

If that scream was a true representation of what the serval could do to a woman... then goddamn, they had a lot more questions to pose to their housemate. by jeeves

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Bumblings of a Twenty-Something Nothing

Comes to mind as a fair representation of his temper. he lightens up around meghan, as i expected, either because he wants to make a good impression or because he's distracted by her rack. i don't see why it can't be both though.

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