Teacher's Pet-Part five

In the past week both girls had not only succumbed to his dominant "sexual" teachings but had shown real improvement in their schoolwork as well, proving to daniel that they were indeed smart as they were clever, and now he felt the day had come to see how

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Gaining pride

It wasn't that the schoolwork was hard, or that the teachers were mean. he was able to do the work without trouble and he got along well with the teachers, not that it helped his situation.

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Academic Dishonesty Pt. 1

The tables around me were filled with other students, caught up in chatting, eating, along with a select few who were actually working on schoolwork.

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Close to home

When that failed, he just blamed it on his schoolwork. "no keepers so far, but i will keep you posted" satchel replied in an off-tone way, putting on a smile for show. it seemed that no matter where he went, his problems always seemed to find him.

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Under the Desk

Being in such a demanding work place meant that they were forced to run while other kids were allowed to walk, at least in the terms of schoolwork.

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Milk Stout

Anyone who comes here more than once knows that i'm as much a fixture of this place as the plastic rainbow flag taped up above all the bottles of liquor, and that it's not my style to try and pick up any of the young things that come here to forget about schoolwork

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I had been suffering from lack of sleep for a good two weeks, and my schoolwork was probably suffering a little bit because of it. not much, but enough.

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Truth (Jin)

Come, discuss your schoolwork inside, there's no need to stand outside," she said to him and before asking me, "what says you?" i looked back at typh for an answer, but he simply shrugged and said, "better go along with her wishes, if i were you.

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Raving Raichu, And TDTOG Presents; Tails In A Hopeful Sunday. (VII)

Some afternoon teachers promised movies, rather then the usual schoolwork.

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Core's Opportunity - Chapter 24

Nothing except go to school, go to work, and make progress on schoolwork. he didn't need petra. his life would have turned out crappy no matter whether she was there or not.

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First Blush: A Marco and Mitch Story

But i've got schoolwork to do." "yes, i have work myself. i work overnights right now." mitch looked up at marco, his eyes wide and full of the evening light.

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