The Dream

Yes mama i hear them start to leave i try to finger out what they were saying when i feel a sharp stab in my right side my eyes fly open and see the cave ceiling above me and the sharp stab again swatting at my side i find a thorn fly trying to dig

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The begging of it all

She ran at fox and cut him on both shoulders,the back,legs,and chest,and even stabbed him a few times,before turning and kicking kira away. "hmm...dead already?"

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I stabbed quickly with the silver knife, its blade reaching the heart of the next beast in line as i passed it. a quick parry, then a stab and third werewolf was dead.

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In the Shadows of Kryckwood - Ch. 5 (MHO)

The one lykou stabbed hissed and snarled incoherently, then pulled away, the stab wound glowing slightly with faint embers. lykou perked up slightly and stabbed it again, driving it back. "the tooth! they d-don't like fire!" "great!"

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Book by its Cover

They offended him in some way, so he stalked them down and stabbed them. stabbings are always personal. the jacket and the computers seemed unlikely, as they could hardly amount to some sort of grudge. the raccoon was probably criminally insane.

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The Darkness Calls Part 1

I had fake cried saying my father had stabbed his wife and then he committed suicide. once the cops came i was on my knees near their corpses fake crying trying to hold back the laughter.

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Enochian: Book 3, Chapter 10

Hand forwards three times and leaving three deep stab wounds in her body.

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CBS - Confessions

He grit his teeth, making stabbing motions with one hand. "and again... police report said it was 12 stab wounds." he scoffed. "one for ever year she had made my life hell.

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Enigma Wars: To Catch a General part 3

She looked down seeing a red beam stabbed inside her, rosa fell down dead dropping her light saber. "no." crimson said with sorrow in his voice as sat in the chair.

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Heritage of the Blood Ch.03 - Magic, Kisses, and a Summons

As i said, your little protector was stabbed with a knife used in blood-magic rituals, the worst kind of magic there is. it leaves a taint on whatever it touches.

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Tauren Tale, Chapter 9

She stabbed and stabbed and stabbed again. she wanted to try pull the poor man out of its jaws, but had serious doubts that she was even strong enough to pry them apart while the beast still lived.

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Perilous Jaunt Chapter 30

He then attempted to stab me in the chest again, only to miss and barely nick my right side as i dodged the attack.

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