When takuya finally gave in, imagine his surprise and shock to find the only thing he could focus on was that the digimon and his overwhelmingly large and dangling sack were extremely arousing.
The Lion and the Boy
Pre practically poured into his mouth, the lion must have been extremely aroused, he began to buck rather violently, connor could barely contain the thrusts with his hands. suddenly, a paw pushed firmly on connor head.
The Clinic
In his extremely aroused state he figured, to hell with it, and savored the thrill of doing something new as he licked the drop of precum off his tip.
Folie A Trois: Part 4
Random moments of extreme arousal resulting in a yiff to be remembered. theres just something about the way his fur feels against mine, the way his cock feels to touch and get touched with.
Experiencing Feral Heat 2: Cathy Meets the Gang
She was becoming extremely aroused and could smell her own sex chokingly powerful behind her. vaginal fluids leaked from her and dripped to the floor every few seconds.
Going Under, Chapter 3 - Taking Control
"leatherbound, when you awaken, you will feel extremely aroused." i noticed with delight that the crotch of his jeans was already bulging as liam started to get an erection. it was time to wake them up. "on three, you will both wake up... 1... 2... 3."
Fyfe's Curse
Perhaps it was the slightly girlish look of the fox, or the scent of his extreme arousal, or the sense of power that he gave viol, but somehow doing the 'proper thing' didn't seem such an attractive idea any more.
Zoe and Zana's Kinky Bet
Rampancy had never know zana was a hermaphrodite and was now extremely aroused at the sight of her. zoe had fully lowered her body onto his cock, his entire length inside her, his tip nearly in her womb.
Security Shepherd 5
Vincent extremely aroused, tries to hide his raging boner and headed went to assist jason. travis and raizel; as the two furs made their rounds paw in paw. travis tightened his grip on raizel's paw suddenly and stopped dead in his tracks.
Do You Believe in Magic? (Unfinished; updated 4/13)
The vulpine enchantress stroked blitz's hair, the action extremely arousing to both women.
Before Midnight in the Locked Locker Room
That is when it hit me, there was only one reason why this kid would have such an extreme arousal: he had to be gay. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sex Club 2, Part 1
He found his young bride extremely arousing. he was more than happy to service her needs, even if it meant making love at two a.m., then masturbating her at breakfast hours later. koji loved violet.