2593, Chapter 10

I have been made to realize that it's never mentioned in the story before (blame it on this being a first draft) but everyone he employs is told that when they get hired.

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Jeremy 028; Slippery People

first draft is now written out to seventy five chapters, and over two hundred thousand words. i'm now at a point where i'm pulling a good deal of stuff from the first run that never saw the light of day. that's whats helping speed things along right now.


The Missing Son, Chapter 17

Damian does some reminiscing the is a first draft of what is the first orr family chronicles novel on the schedule for publication (no dates yet, probably a few years away) it is the first book planned in a trilogy.

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The Missing Son, Chapter 21

Patrick has a conversation with a priest, which gives him some peace the is a first draft of what is the first orr family chronicles novel on the schedule for publication (no dates yet, probably a few years away) it is the first book planned in a trilogy.

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The Missing Son, Chapter 25

The is a first draft of what is the first orr family chronicles novel on the schedule for publication (no dates yet, probably a few years away) it is the first book planned in a trilogy.

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The Wizard's Tower 2a - SF Version

The first draft had been the hardest; after that, he had been guided by oulders's nods and head-shakes to fix the errant details.

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The Crystal Chronicle: Chapter 1

Also, this is mainly the first draft of the story. i, really just want to get this chapter up and finished with so i can start a more fun story. i'm sorry for typo's and poor grammer. this 'is' the first draft pretty much.

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This story is written as a first draft in the submission box without any prior outline or drafts.

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Nostalgia in the Great Valley pt. 2

The first draft of story one was written in the span of approx. two hours and was really nothing more that a spout of temporary insanity.

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//this is the first draft of a proposed enemy combatant for euphorian tide //the enemy and fight scene occurs only during ocean travel and only at night.

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Cops and Shadows

First time i have sat down to write in a long while. first draft of it, so there might be some mistakes, but i figured you guys might like it anyways. this is a modified scene from a rather long story that goes on in my head when i'm bored.

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Dangers of the Wilds

I wrote this in about 3 hours, and this is basically the first draft. i'd usually edit it more, but it's 2am, so i'll have to get to it later. anyway, i just wanted to put something up.

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