Chapter 6 - The Grandmaster of Sarthas

Iajutsu or the quick draw, kenjutsu or swordplay, bojutsu, or the staff, and jujutsu, or hand to hand are his recognized specialties.

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Chapter Six - Initiation

The last thing they practiced was some hand to hand combat, which was quite difficult, even with julius and vlad holding back, yap standing out, not able to control his strength.

experiment 42187-chapter 2

Some of the guards have decided to help us train in hand-to-hand combat, while others who are specialized in weaponry, so they will help us with all of the guns in the armory. even the government sympathizers have joined us.

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Beast of Burden

Somewhere with fields of luscious, green grass in the rainy season, somewhere where we were not passed from hand to hand like goods for purchase. there are good lives for donkeys if one does but look.

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the red games

Being quite trained at hand to hand she didn't anticipate too much trouble in acquiring her new prey for the day. "just stop fuckin' snivelin'. damn, i'm just gonna have to fuck a spine into you at this rate."

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Blood Rose-6

He was a young soldier, and had been fighting since he was fourteen but he still was not as familiar with hand to hand as he would have liked. the vixen moved with ease and grace, where he tended to be clumsy.

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Against All Odds: Extraction Ch.8

So, i'm left to fight in hand to hand. heh, compared to training with zach, this guy will be a piece of cake," he said. tom turned back to yima. "i won't lose to that asshole." yima nodded, a small smile on her face.

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Black Project Files Chapter 3

Vance to bed after a long day of hand to hand combat training in the ghost town and dinner, as he entered the tent he was her now undressed body stretched out on canvas floor with her feathered wings half massed.

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Different Chapter 4

I started to jump up when one of them ran out and grabbed me, and without my dagger i was near useless even with all the hand to hand combat training i had. i grabbed the man's hand and pulled him over using his own weight against him.

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Lifetime of the Eloah Inanna

In one particular instance i was ordered to let another person win in a hand-to-hand combat situation because he was male and i wasn't. it was a competition of sorts, and tradition held that males always beat females.

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The World We Live In Character Reference - Jek Barlow

(on a scale of 1-10; 1 being terrible and 10 being the best) knowledge: 8.5/10 motivation: 8/10 will to act: 8/10 agility: 9/10 swordsmanship: 5/10 hand-to-hand combat: 3/10 long range accuracy: 10/10 offense: 9/10

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Hunter Fights Mindy the Rematch

Mindy laughed "oh, that is a good one...well instead of wrestling it is hand to hand combat.... nothing too bad. but if i win, i get ownership of you again. a naked wolf in my clutches." "fine, but if i win..."

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