High School Days Ch5: Locker Room Blues
That meant he was in charge of every sport but football because the older bear micromanaged the football players so much he paid no attention to sports like soccer, gymnastics, or wrestling.
A Pet is for Life
He watched the football players on the field running around, throwing the football back and forth. he didn't understand the game at all: where he came from, football meant kicking a ball around to try and score in the opponent's goalposts.
High School Days Ch6: The Morning Routine
He even could deal with keith being on the football team. alan's ears flicked back as a spit wad bounced off his head, launched by a crowd of the blue jacketed jocks in the last seats of the bus. scratch that, he hated the football team.
Part 2 - The Best Offense is Defense or vice versa
"let me guess, you are all on the footbal team, right?"
Off The Field: Chapter Two
You football players are all the same." "that's not true." i snap back, suddenly feeling angry at the football player stereotype. "what about that one player from woodland springs? he's gay."
College Bound: Chapter 5 - Practice
He held the football out for his teammate to execute a rushing play.
Dirty Coach Rides Again!
The tiger grabbed the helmet from the football stud and put it down onto the desk. "sit down!"
Eric's Locker (Part Un)
#1 of eric's locker a simple story of a bull after the big football game based off of this picture.
Aries and Vivian Part 3
Him and his buddies were talking about football practice but evenutally they all split up into differnet classes. he had class on the other side of the building and was in a hurry to get there. you see vivian was that class.
Love after all - Page 4
I walked to my room and slipped some shoes on before running a comb through my headfur, i didn't want to meet his football friends with bed head. than i walked downstairs and out the front door, locking it behind me.
A weekend I won't forget
"playing football." "you guys still love the game huh." as i said this jeremy(a pitbull) one of my other friends walked over and said"hey, wan't to play some football?" "sure." and so for the next few hours we played football.
Jona Vastenhout joins the FBA
His parents figured he would make a good world football player in the future and helped ease jona along with his ball handling skills when he wasn't doing any schoolwork.