June/July Short Fictions

"san lucano, a place called remy's pizzeria and gumbo palace," talos answers before i can ask him. he rubs at his eyes and doesn't speak as we pull away. "sure thing boss."

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Brother Light, Brother Dark: In Which a Royal Entrance is Made

But why he probably didn't was most likely what made him feel so defensive towards him; the boy may be late adolescent, but his closed life at talos's abode had made him young at heart. passive, and to some vague degree, innocent.

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Markarth Khajiit

My orders are clear- i am to assist you in doing whatever it takes to annihilate him. interrogating any forsworn you can bring me should be about like interrogating talos cultists, i imagine."

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Skyrim tales of Eevee 2

Of course, we can take it up to lady asriel.... she is after all the one responsible for all decision regarding us pokémon" the thalmor narrowed his eyes and began to speak but david countered "also i never was into the talos worship.

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Keema's Adventure: Olfrid Battleborn

At first they accused me of being a stormcloak, a secret talos worshipper.. they wanted a confession. to what didn't matter, they simply wanted me to admit to something. i think they wanted to break me.

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Skyrim Dragonhearth

"what in talos's name are you lizards doing? you're wasting perfectly good meat!" i shouted none of them responded to my question. i was starting to get a little annoyed by their reluctance to reveal any information to me.

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War on Tamriel: Oblivion, Chapter 4

''your alive, thank talos. i presume this is martin yes. i'am jauffre.'' martin shook hands with jauffre. ''yes i'm martin, the so called heir as what your friend says.'' ''jauffre what happened?'' dragon asked.

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Dominion Khajiit Chapter 1

"why is it that the dominion believes talos did not rejoin the aedra? diseases are cured on his altars, and there is word that the m'alkosh is a warrior of his name." "m'alkosh?" he said. "starts with an m... child...

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Operation: Oblivion (Chapter One: Confusion, Escape, and a New Objective)

"no...talos save us..." he said as he check the late emperor's pulse and confirmed what i already had. he then turned to me with a shocked look on his face. "we've failed. i've failed...

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 23

At this time, that is every mory and uany in talo-vy." "how do you intend to do that?" "i am not certain, but i thought i would try the way a kootona norotha would probably train him.

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 22

"rora, how could i do less than i did that night, or any other time since i arrived at talo-vy. you saved my life on the day i arrived in talo-vy, twice. i owe you a life debt because of it.

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Heat 10 the rescue

Still the war wasn't going too well, they were making progress on talos and the dragos advance on the human world of york was stalling. their attack on the peaceful lapine world of prime, however, was going too well.

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