Sample Collection

I tried to jerk the mewtwo off by proxy, but delta's telekinesis drove my hand harder than my own perversion could overcome. no more than a minute later, delta threw his head back with a cross between a gasp and a mewl.

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Chapter Twenty -- Where The Heart Is

Steeling himself for pain, he reached out with telekinesis and was pleased to feel only a dull, easily ignored twinge as he opened the throttle fully. reassured that he wouldn't be crippled in his major psychic power, he went to the side.

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Pandora's Templar - Chapter 39

Just being _near_ the warheads made us ill at ease, for even undetonated they were still so very dangerous; as we lowered each into its cell inch, by inch, by inch i had to employ extreme caution whilst ieesha employed the gentlest application of telekinesis

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Final Excerpt-To The Gates Of Hell

I quickly reached out and used my telekinesis to size it and toss it out the window.

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Lifestyle Changes (A SynTech Story)

It complemented his powers of telekinesis well enough. had he not thought this through enough?

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Living as Mewtwo

He groaned, rubbing a shoulder that had been struck by a tree branch (rather large, to be fair) when he had been flinging them about using his telekinesis, practising his accuracy.

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Virtually Real Chapter 53: I Choose You, Reaper!

It also gives me telepathy and telekinesis. i'll add teleportation but that's actually part of the telekinesis. however using the powers have a cost. every time i use it my lifespan is shortened." "i forbid you to ever use it."

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Centurions (A1, B1, C15)

Karla stood at the center, using telekinesis to create a bubble around herself. rain glanced off of the invisible umbrella. she breathed a sigh of relief, seeing chance unharmed.

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While ray thought of a solution, crystal remembered she could use her telekinesis. it had been a while since she practiced it since she mainly used her abilities to avoid unfavorable situations nowadays.

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Greyhound Gryphon vs. Seth

Also, if you want to hang out or have any questions pertaining to my stories, please feel free to join my discord server posted using postybirb seth sits upon his chair, the satyr swirling a stirrer in his teacup with his telekinesis while he sits with one

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200 In The Previous Episode of Sythkyllya

They attempt the procedure and sethkill tries to remember his childhood telekinesis skills, with which to operate the articulated limb.

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Tournament of Transformation Registration (CLOSED)

( ) psychic aptitude - a little telekinesis here, a bit of mind reading there... you have a bit of the mental prowess in you.

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