Times& Tribulations of a Succumous 12

"i don't have to destroy you child i only need to destroy her" bad move, no one touches nara not the fox and not this immortal yiff.

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The Deliverance Pt. 2

"that was a great story mommy, but how did akeela and anpu explain to their son that they were immortal?" "well, as koji said in the story, many people would try to kill them if they knew that the couple was immortal. they had to keep it a secret.

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In Gods We Thrust Part 1 Daddy Dearest

Those are reserved for the immortals!" he protested. "well maybe it would be a good thing to start me on my way toward immortality. that way i'll be a much more formidable challenge for the giants." i said grinning at his confusion and discomfort.

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Nega-Alexander [Character Information]

Many immortals and even mortals are searching for him every day with the help of other powerful 'champions'.

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Re: Speech 4. Fear Of Dying

That's why there is a word called "immortal" and that's why there is "heaven" and "god". all of those deserve to be despised.

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The Wolf of Ragnorok

But she was immortal just as i am. she was caught outside one night and would have died if not for this immortality. she was frostbitten horribly, though, and half of her body was blue muscle and tendons and bone.

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A Treasure Worth the While

There are, zachary, despite what your human philosophers say in their wordy ramblings, methods by which one can achieve immortality. none of them easy, most of them not even 'true' immortality, but they are there.

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-Future Chapter WIP-

Had she already been bestowed with immortality? "you... she's not... is she?" my panic caught her attention as princess celestia gave me a more serious gaze and shook her head. "no, i never forced her to become immortal.

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Curse Part 4

She was also the only other immortal i knew of. i've tried to find out out how she became immortal, by the hag was remarkably hard to get talking about anything but the business at hand.

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Eternal Blue 3: Immortal Memories

No one could keep an immortal company except another immortal. "i'm alone." tireal could not help him. she could not help him. no one could help him. "i'm... alone... so alone..."

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Immortal, Chapter 10 - Mortal World

immortal chapter 10: mortal world katashi's eyes opened slowly as he lay in hospital. a bandage around his head and his mother sat next to him. he smiled softly and lifted his hand taking hers.

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