SWAT Kats: An Evening To Remember

The drive to Felina's apartment was warm and comfortable. When they arrived at her modern apartment building, he parked where she indicated and somehow he knew better than to open the door for her as they climbed out. As they walked to her apartment,...

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Chapter 7: A Concert to Remember

Hey everyone! Here is chapter 7 of "Those College Years." For some reason this chapter was exceedingly difficult to write (including way too many sessions staring at a blank screen), but I finally managed to wrestle it into shape:D Thanks to...

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A Night to Remember Ch. 1

The last thing i can remember before passing out from fear was a huskey's face, his eyes the most wonderful shade of blue, peering into mine. \* \* \* i woke up at home, lying in my bed.

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Chapter 2: A dream to remember....

"this is one dream i'm going to have to remember, for as long as i can" he said to himself quietly keeping his voice down so his father couldn't hear him, like it really mattered, his dad would already be downstairs and if anything he had a better chance

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Always remember Chapter 1

I remembered that i had an e-mail from joey. i opened an internet browser and went straight to my e-mail. "how are the gangs acting since i left?" i looked up from my laptop and looked over at luna.

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A Week Well Worth Remembering

"i do remember hearing somewhere that humans taste good." shaquilya chimed in with her usual enthusiasm. i was really feeling uncomfortable with this conversation, so i dismissed myself from the table back to the couch.

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Chapter 14: A Recording to Remember

Holis gave Alesta a long slow warm kiss as his paws rubbed her back, he slowly pushed her back till she was leaned against the sink making her giggle and grip the side of the sink for support. He slowly pulled away from her lips a murr emanating from...

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A Weekend to Remember Part 2

Sousuke remembered giggling at first as cassy slipped his arms behind his back and clicked a pair of handcuffs onto them. he explained everything he remembered as she pushed him onto the couch and whispered in his ear.

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A Year to Remember (part 5)

#6 of a year to remember on that bike i rode. i rode down the streets, racing turning left and right when called for. the way to his house memorized and steering me. i was two blocks away when a car came out of nowhere.

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Remember the Oath 15 - M@~#;'=

_this move i remember was called rock tomb, it was the same move that was used to bury red underneath a pile of rock.

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Remember the Oath 9 - Isaac

remember me?!" "...nnnnn-kinda, you remind me of someone." "remember vermillion city? guy coming off the boat?"

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A Year to Remember (part 4)

This fear of love happened after an event you might not remember. do you wish to know about the 6 years of your life you lost after your 10th birthday?' "i forgot 6 years of my life...

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