Cynder's betrayal Chapter 2 Some scars don't heal.
**end of flash back.** tears almost appeared in my eyes as i remembered that day. if i had took notice sooner then cyril might still be alive.
A Dad's Doubt, A Son's Certainty
As soon as he said that, my mind immediately flashed back to what had happened a week ago with collin. "i... y-yeah, i have..." "and you did like it, i assume?"
One of a kind: chapter 1
He heard distant murmurs going back and forth, he saw lights flashing back and forth, he felt intense heat traveling back and forth. where am i?
Heavenly Satisfaction: Part 2
His thoughts continuously flashed back to luna, and her beautiful body. he thought about how nice she might be with his throbbing member inside of her. he remembered his night with eva, and thought, _is it ok for me to think about her like this?
Confrontation in the Cave
Littlefoot's eyes went wide as memories flashed back to him. he looked at the sharptooth in horror. "" he whispered as the sharptooth curled his lip back, exposing his teeth. "you remember me, don't you?" he purred evilly.
The Woods of Pennsylvania
His different colored yes flashed back and forth as he looked for the large prey that the woods had to offer. his eyes caught sight of a few small squirrels and chipmunks.
The Myth
"i think i'll do that" ---flash back to the appartment across town--- \*yawn\* "what time is it?" jamie says sleepily as he looks at the vcr clock.
Gone and Come Home Ch.1
. ================================================= flash back 9 years previous, on the night i was abandoned: it is a dark night, nearly 7:00pm, and raining nonstop. "where are we going, daddy?" i inquired in my little child voice.
Baby sitting part 2
Kevin sat on the couch with the images of nick flashing back in his mind. "uh...that will be $15.80." "uh here." andy looked at the little foxed nametag and it read james. "hey james, come inside." "no thanks."
meeting an old friend
(flash back to a couple of nights ago) ace and sammy played a lot of only games. they played a game of poker. ace had trip 5 "now i can have some fun" saying to him self. typing to sammy "tell u what, instead of the chips i have a new bet...".
Eragon's Dominance, Saphira's first heat
Eragon cared not about its taste, only filling his mind flashed back to how the ra'zak had tortured his uncle, what would he had done if he rushed back to the farm in time and on how brom and himself fled like rats after seeing that horrid scene.
Dragon's Roar Trio: Chapter 2
Their minds flashed back to the little scuffle they had beforehand and they both hung their heads in sadness. clark pushed the aforementioned button and the elevator was going back to the lobby.