Soi Brothas: Part 1 and 2 - Pizza with Assholes

"to our once ego-inflated friend," todd began, the humor of the speech lifting the sides of his mouth in a smirk, "whose failure to make anything of himself after graduation has brought him back down to earth with the rest of us losers to start over, where

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I Caught God: Ch1: In Which There is a Great Deal of Profanity and Someone Wishes They Could Have Gone Trick-or-Treating Instead

Dialga comments, and then chuckles, "you should start over and do it right." palkia giggles, "i know! he is a rare pokémon, and in possession of a one of a kind fur pattern! he'll be irresistible to collectors." "i approve of this."

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Kate Finds Relief

As she lay there, she thought but all the things he has done for her and yet she hasn't returned any of his favors back since the arrangement that started over a year ago.

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Thief's Confession

Just as ah thought that it was about ta unlatch an that beautiful lid swing open, somethin would slip and i'd have to start over from tha very beginnin. ya see, it's as if this box had a mind'a its own. like it was just sitt'n there an mocking me!

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Iron Author #9: Only to Make a Mess

My wet tongue caressed the tip of his cock and stroked it down to the sheath before starting over again. a wet spot grew from the pre that master's cock drooled, it would soon stain the sheets.

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The First Date: Part 1

Let me start over." "by all means," janelle said with a smile. james tried to laugh it off as he attempted to regain his composure. " name is james. i know you probably don't know me, but we go to the same college.

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Across the Schism, Intro

People started getting nervous, and the press, realizing that people wanted stories showing the furs as unstable and dangerous, immediately started over reacting to every thing involving anthros. then came the uproar over inter-species relationships.

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Before the Vice Principal

"no sir, i just want things to start over you know?" "...fine... just leave now, i'm very busy. no punishment will come to ethan." mr. hathing lies between deep breaths.

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SoaP Epilogue

He proceeded in the same fashion as before, with roland going first followed by amarro, kish, jarai, dubois, and then starting over with roland again.

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Skinwalkers: Chapter Fourteen

Maybe he could start over, adopt a new--the sharp pain in his chest stopped that thought in its tracks. no. no more dogs. as lonely as he might be, he knew that if he got another dog, all he would ever see was clueless.

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Devil Seed Ch.10

Just as she was starting over to the table the front doors burst open. a group of bikers, consisting of humans and furs, stomped inside and started lining up at the bar.

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The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the Past - Chapter 22: Stars

They heard faint song starting over again and young dragoness covered purple dragon like he have her and couple held eachother even closer.

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