[Chapter 1: The Voyage To Hell]

Now became a voyage into hell itself. shaking himself loose of his despair and awe drakenwolf wasted no hesitation as he growled. "attention all decks!!! battle stations!! this is not a drill!"...

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The Last Voyage of Thor's Hammer

They understood this was a one way voyage. his orders were acknowledged. then all he had to do was wait until the hammer was in range of the enemy fleet.

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Eventful Voyages, Part 1 of ?

* * * "uggghhhh...why do people say that sea voyages are an adventure...hrrk."

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Eventful Voyages, Part 2 of ?

#3 of eventful voyages our squirrel castaway finds herself in the hands of some demonic slavers. things seem to be going from bad to worse for her, or are they? welcome back everyone who's been reading this series!

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Eventful Voyages, Part 3 of ?

Ellesten adjusted the makeshift clothing they made out of the few supplies in the skiff, which was obviously not meant for long voyages.

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An Endless Voyage: ch:3

Tom would have liked to be in the lounge watching a movie with Rena, as Maya was busy, and Chloe couldn't leave her cubs, but unfortunately he didn't have free time today.He was helping out in the armory, since Callie had taken over as tactical officer...

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An Endless Voyage: ch:2

     Natalie had released Tom from Sick Bay yesterday, around 1900 hours Excalibur Standard Tima.  She had completed Agnes' surgery to remove the bullet an hour earlier, but kept the husky overnight to be safe.  The following Morning, Natalie released...

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Eventful Voyages, Pt 4

#5 of eventful voyages the voyage resumes as our quartet of stranded crewmates find themselves on a deserted jungle island. elle questions who she might really be, and they discover the island might not be as uninhabited as they expect.

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Voyage into the Unknown part 2

#2 of voyage into the unknown part 2... not nearly as confident about this one. never thought i'd need to do a search for "blimp/airship schematics."

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The Voyage 13.5 Meeting Cassandra

#14 of the voyage meeting cassandra by raven fox: a short story for the voyage series. this takes place a day after of the u.s. surrender to british forces of sol 4.

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