A Quick Bout and Devious Plans

Usual warnings incoming! Hi there friend, I mean this in a friendly way... If you are younger than 18, go the fu\*\* away, no one wants you except our friendly neighborhood pedies. Though this story isn't dangerous to the minds of the youth just...

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Slayer Slain

** this story contains soft vore and mild violence (not in yiff). if you don't like either, don't read this story because it happens pretty quick. this series is also not intended for those under the age of 18; you have been warned.

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Maranatha - Chapter XVII - As Told By Nicky Marlowe

M A R A N A T H A © Osfer, June 2005 _All rights reserved. May only be distributed for free. May not be altered in any way. Contains material of an erotic and homosexual nature which may be...

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Fall In

((I was recently inspired to get back into writing, and as one of the warmup exorcises, I'll be writing a few stories centralizing around different fetishes. Unless I don't. Hope you enjoy, feel free to contact me with critique.)) Boredom. More...

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Big horny alien party

Big horny alien party.(In english) This is story is copyright of James Corck©. I know perfectly that my english sucks,that I need spell lessons and grammar and sintaxis,and all that stuff.I am sorry if you don´t undesrtand any word of this...

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A Hard day and night

"Twenty years ago, a brutal war between two mighty nations was finally ended by the exchange of Royal Family heirlooms. The Wolven royal family traded their" His dusty librarian of a tutor droned on about the history of his family as David reclined in...

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Spellbreaker: Scorched fury

It was the start of the new year at the Australian University of Magical Studies. The students had been sorted into their classes and were waiting their respecive teachers to give them their first lessons. Matthew had been planning for this for almost...

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Spellbreaker: Twisted faith

The week following his transformation got progressively worse for Matthew. His condition never changed, for better or worse, but he did get rather stronger and faster physically. He had gotten the hang of his transformations and could do it on the run....

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Biker wolf on the brawl

It was a scorching day shining in the desert of the Deep South. The only life over the ground that moment was the road that crossed it, decorated by the wastes and signposts on the sides of the road. The air was so hot you could see how the hot air...

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Children of the Second Moon - Chapter 1, Lupin

Star Wars and all races/characters/creations/concepts of George Lucas and Lucasarts are of course the property of their owner. Actual characters of my creation belong to me. Er something. \*\* He could hear the beating of his own heart as...

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Survival: Part Two

Finally, the first little taste of fur in the story, don't worry, there's more in the later parts. \*\*\*\*\*\* Survival (Still Chapter One) Part Two A face protruded into Noir's view from outside the cell, followed by a rather fat...

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