Lupine Flowers

Intruding into his thoughts came a familiar sight... a sight that he wished would be brought back into the world... the sight of a smiling gray wolf cub, revealing an award-winning toothy grin.

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Celestial Reunion

Tentatively, the wolf cub took a step over the threshold of the window, and into the bedroom, kabe following cautiously behind.

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Celestial Reunion

Tentatively, the wolf cub took a step over the threshold of the window, and into the bedroom, kabe following cautiously behind.

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Cubinioa -5- The Good, The Bad, and The Mechanical

The first one throws back his hood, he's an older gray furred wolf cub. "this farce must end now before any more damage is done.

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the camp

The camp angel a wolf cub and a lion cub lumar

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A Scentful Trail

The cub saw the colt coming and then hid his tail and backed up, but it was to late, out of the bush where his tail was, protruded the head of the colt, the colt was dark, and had bright blue eyes, the wolf cub bared his teeth and let out a growl,

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Evil book part 2

"what is a god idea, i think my sister has a wolf puppy, use it." light flashes, the book on the table snaps open flooding the floor with magic. jun picks up a folding chair from the front room in preparation of punching out a window.

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A Trick Causes a Treat

Still wiping at his eyes, the teary little wolf cub stepped towards the man, absolutely trembling. as timid as he was, he had no desire to fight. only to leave in one piece.

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How Legends Are Made Part 2 Chapter 3

. \*\* **eldora resort, west of denver, colorado** **2237 hours, august 17**** th ****, 2052** john and owen had spent the day gathering supplies from the various buildings spread out on the hillside, taking turns watching the wolf cub.

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Brought into the Light; part 5: Sheath and Knife Fiction.

The wolf cub said pouting. "see? you don't "know everything" about your own you?" alex stood up and washed himself over his penis and tail hole then threw the puff and flopped back into the water.

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Hunting in the Dark

The wolf cub shuddered, torn between the hazy pleasure of the lights and the knife-edged ecstasy tapping at her womanhood. she couldn't move her body. she couldn't move her thoughts.

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