A New Kind of Exploration
anubis trains shakal in his new mental abilities.
A New Kind of Exploration
anubis cocked an eyebrow right back at the panther, grinning playfully. "you're right..." the feline beamed, only to have his own grin turn to an embarrassed wince as anubis concluded what he was saying.
The Tempest of Egypt
anubis quietly appeared behind her. the jackal god looked on her work with satisfaction. the lioness lapped blood from her paw. the voice of anubis was deep and whispery. "ra will be pleased." "i live for the will of ra."
D.E1/LOTVS Crossover: Chapter 1 (Husky P.O.V)
"since when you've been this dedicated, anubis?" anubis the great dane doberman just chuckled and continued working. "you know, i think we deserve a little break..." hasky said as she jumped out of the ship and stretched.
The Will of Kings - Chapter 5
anubis and his ability to find hope. set, always pushing you, never happy with your affections. anubis, the friend in constant, never-ending need, stealing our family. set almost destroyed us with his price.
The Will of Kings - Chapter 3
My life was consumed by my love for anubis and trying to undo the hurt i inflicted. and now, it's done. i helped anubis and jaller find each other and their feelings for each other. they were happy.
Inner Love
"after all, i do enjoy having you around." purred anubis. sphinx's face turned red as he stuttered to come up with something. anubis merely chuckled. "that'll be all for today.
The Gift of Godhood
Pants anubis; his lean and muscular chest heaving up and down as i polish his perfect sword.
The Seeker, Chapter 18
.** **"yes lady, growled anubis, i agree, what a marvelous idea."
Sky High Home
anubis then flopped down on the couch and turned on the tv, and began to distract himself by immersing himself in familiar shows once more.
The Countdown to Cum
Not unless he did it anubis' way. not unless he completed the god's damnable challenge.
In the Enemy's Territory #2
Getting to his paws, anubis rescued the fire and took a ration bar and canteen from his pack. kneeling over her, he released her bindings and muzzle.