CYOA: Rustwater Chronicles Pt1

Yes it was a bastion of civilization, but it always attracted the attention of outlaws and bandits. careful marauders would lay in wait for caravans or travelers heading to for the safety of the town and hit them just minutes from the gates sometimes.

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Tales from Silicon City 3: Demeter

Tales from silicon city: demeter the harvest queen by psion all rights reserved silicon city, recession-stricken home of california's many high-tech industries as well as one of the many bastions

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Who Lurks in the Locker Room

York stepped into the aforementioned bastion of masculinity and smelly jockstraps, and found it deserted. clearly the rhino had already left to lick at his wounds in some other venue. that put an extra swing to the orca's long, finned tail.

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Subterranean Suburban Lizard Lab

My slightly elongated neck allowed me to slip my snout between my breasts to watch as my body inhaled the last bastion of my masculinity. i felt a great pang of loss which was soon replaced with a burning and unyielding desire for eggs.

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A Chance to Move On

Practice became difficult, and only friday served as her bastion. the last day of practice before her real weekend, a chance to detox and destress, a chance to get a certain sheep out of her head. stupid as it was, she needed it.

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You Are Worth More

Kay was calm through out the whole ordeal, being the bastion of strength that paul needed from him. ``feel a little better?'' kay had asked as soon as paul was calmed down. paul just nodded into kay's chest.

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Chapter 1: Getting Out of the Slump

"that's a write-up, trelute, and i need you to stay for a double shift, bastion called off again," she said before hanging up again. trelute could have whimpered, had he cared enough.

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The legend of a warrior; chapter 2 - Becoming King

Great clouds of smoke hid the bastions from view as multiple missiles climbed skywards out of their vertical cells, buried in the middle of the thick towers.

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The Sluts of Sherwood (A Jeeves Disney Prompt; posted with permission)

No longer was sherwood castle an impenetrable bastion for the rich and wealthy alone. now markets filled the castle courtyard, bustling with the common folk and the local nobility alike.

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Ghosts'n'Gobblin's: Awakening

Kezu could do as he pleased with those bastions of life force and potency. and he intended to.

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Memoirs of Dragora Ch. 9

Slypnir replied, getting the manticores to go ask fast as they could up the long street toward the now-hallowed bastion. "damn.. what do you think pushed him to do this!?" zerion yelled over the ruckus of the wind and battering of supplies.

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A Long, Dark Road (Part 7)

They had travelled miles already, and where fast approaching the series of chasms and pits that served as the final bastion of the shoggoth empire, and the home of the order of the dead.

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