The Cry of Stars
He molded me into what i needed to be to burn bright. perhaps he didn't intend it to be this way,but i burn so very bright; perhaps he's proud of me? i wouldn't think so.
Chain of Memories 1
He could imagine that even the slightest movement might throw off the molding process.
A Most Private Tryst 2.0
Once she was finished she poured a liberal amount of her molded plastic cock and spread the fluid by mimicking jacking off.
We head into the back of the shop, passing several molds. what i came here to see. but no weapon molds were in the group, every mold back to back and open for all the world to see. i am on the verge of leaving before i think to ask him about the charges.
trapped and trained chapter 7: The long lost brother.
My dad molded me out of the baby that was there. basically he created me using you as the mold. but he did not know until much later that the baby he molded me from was an offspring of his rival kingdom.
The Dragon Slayer's Reward
I did, without a word, then reached out to drag the mould-stained pillow down to my face. i was going to need it. with my tail arced over my back i presented myself to him and that monster between his legs.
Chapter 6: Completing Dizzy
"this was my first one, back before i messed about with silicone and making molds and all that. but the others were cast, yeah." "and you said you 3d printed the molds?"
The Story Of Blu Macintosh
Emergency and opened the door, but at a most horrible moment, another bandit seemingly returning from an event came through the door and yelped when he saw the dinosaur standing there, behind the leader, without a shard of glass in his eye, or dead upon the mouldy
AMBER EYES - pt.02
Its tank is filled with two or more species of wereanimal and the liquid forces their genetic codes and physical forms to mould and become one sentiant being.
WOLVES MIST - Chapter 3(.2)
The only saving grace for you younglings is that it is impatient and hard to mould and sharpen. most spells of air are like a hammer, broad and flat but no less deadly than a sharp sword. if you are without shield or cover, your instincts are your life.
Refined Tastes
It was the kind of glossy, heavy rubber suit that used to be made for ship-workers in heavy weather conditions, though the dragon had no such practical reasons for his outfit, or for the smart black wellies with their industrial-looking mouldings that he had
She's Such A Tease - The Pet Pt. 4
"this is about as much fun as watching mould grow." quipped ryan from across the table. "you never show up for class, why'd you show up today if this is so boring?" asked skyler, raising his eyebrow at his friend.