Jay Fox - Chapter Four - The Way Things Happen

, jay nods "i guess so", the teacher hmmmm's and puts the piece of paper in his bottom draw and sits up, knocking his pen box on the floor.



The guard took me firmly by the arm as i left my pen. we went down the corridor between dozens of other pens, all filled with dozens of other bovines and separated by steel bars. the ceiling above us was high. we were in a barn.

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Bebe didn't have a name on arrival, and the first our master had said when putting her in the pen with me was "adios manchas! play nice!" and walked off. we couldnt both be mancha, so we had to do something.

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16. Boared

It was then he had noticed though, there were several smeared and trampled footsteps in the pen.

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Slaughter At Stringybark Creek - Epilogue -

Clanton sprawled, the old chair on which the kangaroo stat creaked as he moved slightly, his quivering paw gripping a fountain pen as he scrawled on the paper.

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Sore Losers

The arcanine sulked off stage, making his way past the snickering ninetales and into the pen.

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Reunion - 2023

"you're always loud when you do your tcafl sessions, pen." dael chuckled, whereas ren misheard and turned to him. "that is true, heh." pen had noticed the tiger turned to him.

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Close encounters of the slime kind

"so... were you just gonna leave this pen in my other nipple?" her breasts jiggled as she followed momi, the pen wobbling about in her nipple. "hmm? oh that one?"

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November Challenge #1: What Replaces Talent?

If she let go, she'd stop, and if she stopped, she wasn't sure that she could pick up the pen again.

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1000 Words: Painting Horses

The humans are persistent, and force the stallion into the pen. he had made it clear which mare he wanted, but still they show him the paint horse.

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DragonBlood Ch4

He braced himself as he walked into the next pen, expecting fire everywhere. much to his surprise, the pen was unsinged. he noted the dragon watching him intently from its bed, and threw the jerky to it.


A Dragon Ranch Teaser

._ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ kyle opened the door to nixi's stable pen and slipped inside. the female yellowtail immediately got up and approached kyle, trilling happily.

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