Friends with Needs

Burkiel dives to the side and then uses telekinesis to defy gravity and slide just above the ground toward srendt's side. he hooks his legs around one of srendt's legs and braces his tail against the ground.

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Chapter 10 - Infamy

I grabbed her tight and leapt into the air, making sure my telekinesis carried us high into the sky. "woohoo!" she yelled, overwhelmed by the euphoria of flying.

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Fallen Angel Part 2

Personally i choose to stick with telekinesis more than anything else.

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Body Hopping (A1, B10, C7)

"just imagine it: we're talking about mixing fire and telekinesis. let's face it, girls, that will make things easier." "hai," said tamamo. "in addition, you can relax." "oh, shit, i didn't even think of that," karla said with a light chuckle.

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The Protectors: Beginnings

This wasn't telekinesis, this wasn't a mutant, or at least none he had ever heard about.

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Meteorite Slime Friend 21

"hah, i have no use for wings as my power of flight is through telekinesis but... if you want to, master, i'll grow wings as decoration for my body!" "go for it!"

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The Bartender

"that was telekinesis right?" she asked remembering seeing his gun floating as though being held by an invisible hand. "what course did you take?" "telekinetic machinery but it doesn't matter anymore."

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Hard Lessons Learned (Chapter11, Book9)

Again, the amplified force of her telekinesis backed her palm strike. she drove him completely through the ceiling and into the crawlspace designed for ductwork.

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 4: Order of Peacekeepers

He carried himself forward, using his telekinesis to keep him levitating through the air and hopping along the rooftops as he crossed the city.

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Adventures of Josh the sayan part 7 After ten years

Drago asked, "telekinesis." he answered and looked at the forest seeing a pile of wood and then he rose his hand again and they came in front of him. he looked at the wood pile and rose his hand to shot energy ball on it.

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Ethereal - Cracks - Chapter 1

Omega fell softly to the floor, outlined in a purple light similar to telekinesis. as his paws touched the ground his eyes stopped glowing and the symbol on his forehead stopped giving off a dim black luster.

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Chapter 1 - The Beginning

He pulls out his notes and checks over them carefully "hmmm i figure special interest but what area telekinesis ...astral illusionist...hmm i don't know just yet i'll have to keep watching" he tucks his notes away.

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