The Broken Chapter 1
The small town was on the edge of the sea and the weather was always pleasant thanks to its tropical location. in the summer at times the heat could be unbearable but the ocean was always there for that.
Islands of Wet Dreams, Chapter 1: Onto the Beaches
As they walked down the gangplank, the tropical air hit him like a pleasant wave, rolling over him with sunshine and bright sea water, with salt and flowers and fruit in the air.
This is a real recurring dream I have. Please analyse 'til your face turns blue :)
Plants are all around the edges on the inside; hot, bright, tropical plants. they are reaching up to the ceiling and creeping along the floor, which seems to be made of crushed stone, quartz and obsidian.
G'lek's Encyclopedia: The Aneen
They are native to the tropical world of cryona, though they are rarely seen. ## physiology the aneen have a similar physiology to earth wasps, though they are bipedal (partially).
[SNEAK PEEK]Do Not Disturb
Thick tropical leaves poked out from every possible little nook and cranny; they rose from under the carpets, descended from the light fixtures.
Nighthowler 2, Ep. 2
Artificial rain drums rhythmically against the broad leaves of tropical plants, spilling down into the rivers and wetlands beneath the rainforest district's elevated streets.
Dolphin's Haul (Art+Story)
Borne up in size by the nutrients of dozens of devoured fishes and tropical fruits, they had increased to this point over a mere three days, and she herself didn't look any less healthy for it, albeit quite front-heavy in her movements and unaccustomed to
The Island
The stained tropical hardwood floor was softened by a persian rug.
Lost Paradise
Their dark fur warmed in the tropical light, and survival rose to their top priority. the stranded sailor looked around once more, checking for anything salvageable or useful.
She limped into the trees, past strange tropical fruits and even stranger birds that inhabited the island. the birds looked at her, saw her wings, and ruffled their feathers, imagining her pain. they were silent until she passed.
The Hungry Lion
He dreampt of a tropical paradise where fruits of gazelle meat were abundant on the trees. fresh and ripe these delicious fruits were indeed. unfortunately for lucien, just as he took a bite from this magnificent fruit it disappeared from his very eyes!
What are Candus pt. 2: Origins
She asked for those of the tropic kind to hide in the rocky mountains and the islands to the east, the arctic to hide in the deep north and south, where it snows.