Castle in the Sky

Take thy warning, listen now, or feel the wrath of the dragon's vow. guard all treasure the castle protects, trap thy souls of disrespect. knowledge is power, limitless still. life's too short to miss the thrill.

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Sampson and Devilah #14 pt. 1

Your vow is complete!" kitty implored. "no! your glamour is wasted. die now _black cat_!" and with that battle cry, sword swung in a fast arc at waist level, impossible to duck or jump over.

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The Chronical'ers Journal part 1

Rapthorson has vowed to bring civilization across the realm. little did he know that traveling nomads have caught wind of their organization and how the became a strong tribe. other tribes begun settling and created their own duchys.

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Secrets of the Ankh (Housepets! fanfiction)

To him the vows we made years ago should have been permanent. vows are everything to his society. they imply life or death itself." "well, in that case i vow to never force apart a couple using politics and slandering." "mmm, dear.

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Beneath the Obsidian Veil, Prologue

Nolan vowed to hone his abilities and protect those he cherished, even if it meant stepping into the perilous path laid before him. and so, as nolan navigated the vibrant furry world, determination echoed in his every step.

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10 Year Difference

I vow to always be there with you, thick or thin. good or bad." i stared into my lover's eyes. they had a beautiful glimmer to them. a green, but not a normal green, a bright green full of life and happiness.

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Equestrian Stories Book 1 Prologue

The other princess noticed that her younger sister and the heroic pegasus were in love, and with a promise to them vowed to keep their relationship a secret as they didnt want the public to know a commoner was frolicking with the princess.

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Curly's Backstory, v.1

He vowed he would never falsely represent himself again, lest he repeat the mistake that cost him his family. this, my friends, is his story.

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Chicken Bones (Thursday Prompt 13/9/12)

He vowed to let me suffer alive and never let me see my dear wolf again. my chicken bones begged to differ. i hadn't told him what other blessings for me they had to offer. they told me i would kiss him before i died.

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angels and demons chapter 2

"but after he killed my parents i vowed to take revenge and take lord fuse's head". (in a demonic voice)"but i can't do that till i graduate". (back to the sweet voice). sara said weirdly. "oh hey theres a forest behind ur school too." sara said.

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The Paladin

He was meant to keep himself chaste and he would not, could not break that vow and bring disgrace upon himself.

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