The Roxas Chronicles I
He saw the great spirit appear before him once more; anubis. he always appeared during this particular beat, for it was always accompanied by an execution.
Traum oder Wirklichkeit teil 2
anubis und ich sahen uns um und unterhielten uns mit den piraten und prostituierten um die neusten nachrichten zu erfahren die es so gab und dann sah ich wie anubis mit einem blauen wolf hand in hand zum schiff zurück gingen.
A Weekend of Excess
anubis grinned, and not a moment later shakal saw movement out of the corner of his eye.
Zootopia: First Salvo part 6
Saltlickter turned to chief arch and anubis. "commanders....the company is yours...take em to bed! and i don't mean that literally you sick monkeys?" arch turned to anubis. "you heard the lady nuby.
"where is anubis himself? he better not be injured..." the priest replied with a slight wince. "he and seth are working together. anubis told me that if you arrived... to send you to the nile delta. there is an estate there.
Hunter's Moon: Leave No Stone Unturned
The way anubis looked at me was simply arousing. _just relax. you'll get some nice jackal meat in you when you're ready._ anubis informed cid. "aw, i want you so bad" i replied, my rational mind seemingly being pushed back.
My Anubis
My anubis chapter 1 my anubis \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> a/n: well, pretty much i just wanted to write a generic yiff story.
The Concubines of Anubis
_ the end summary: a hawk agent goes for some pleasure in an anubis-themed strip club.
Tower of Ancients Chapter 9~ Truth of Raven
anubis began to laugh as he walked into the temple slowly fading away. "thank you anubis..."serios said softly.
Wolves' Legacy 2: Chapter 21 (END)
The one who was hit the most was mizarka, who refused anubis's attention because of jo's death, yet she admitted that she missed anubis and began to cry on his shoulder, which was something her friends had never seen.
The Deal of a Lifetime
The hand that had struck my bargain with anubis now sported golden claws, testament to the power that had run through them. i saw a glint of gold in the other spot anubis had touched me.
Just a Little Halloween Incest
Chicks dig anubis, because anubis was ripped. look it up. "dude!" tobias' voice now carried a distinct tone of annoyance. "hurry the shitting christ on a stick up!" foul mouthed as always.