Cold Hearted

"you're a gamer who is intensely fascinated by everything sexual, with a particular fascination for power games.

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Better late than never

I tip my hat to the gamers who could beat mafia on classic or the harder difficulties, but i found easy challenging and rewarding enough all things considered.

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Of Hard-drives and Fox-drives

So now he worked at sojourner systems, repairing computers or building custom new systems for the basic home owner all the way up to the savviest gamer. he was lean, but not thin.

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A Simple Shower Scene

He was the "nerdy" type; a computer whiz, video gamer, and anime fan all in one. all in all, pretty typical geek material. he prided himself on his ability to hack into his father's administrator user account on their home computer.

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Through Hell and Back

Another blood-curdling screech filled the air, ending the idle gamer chit-chat. "come on," mitch said, leading us to a door set at the end of the gangway. he tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. "hmm," he said. "you need help?"

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The anniversary: After the Party

First anniversary night by nahualmorph for: james campbell aka the final gamer the door to the kennidons' house opened and they all stepped inside. koopin let go of his boyfriend's hand to hug his parents. "thank you.

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part 4 a new player

gamers, shifters, paintballers, comic fans, and outgoing.

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Hey, world, this is Gray- a Dragons Lair "This is Me" challenge submission

The cat people want cat stories, the babyfurs want diapers, and the gamers want their video heros and heroines. we provide that. and toward what end? it's not like we get paid, or even that there are talent scouts out there, waiting to discover us.


I looked at my watch, it read 10:45 am, an hour and 45 mintues had gone by, jo was on the floor resting and i was playing a game on my pocket gamer, after a while jo asked me a hard questaion, "do you mind it i take my shert and bra off?"

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The Life and Times Of Soma Hikari Chapter 3

We finished our lunches while talking about random subjects and found we had a lot in common, music tastes, authors, movies, tv, hell she was even a pretty hardcore gamer and you know how hard it can be to find one of those.

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Changes - Part 1.3

Charlie was a big fan of computers and technology since he had been a gamer from when he was a little fox. he owned a playstation 3 and was on it all the time. the computers were set up 3 to a desk, which was really more like a long, thin, table.

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New Life Pt.6 The Yard 1

In my old life , life outside, i was what some might call a gamer. i didn't go outside very often is my point. but in this new place being outside more than ever was a privilege. to see the sun was a blessing that felt overwhelming.

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