How to Enter Dragon Heaven P6

#6 of dragon heaven shawn is really getting into the dragon thing, and at this point he's going to find it even harder to get out.

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How to Enter Dragon Heaven - The Initiate

"welcome to dragon heaven," shawn said as daniel looked on in awe.

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How to Enter Dragon Heaven - The Gift

"i have to go back to dragon heaven and tell them that you are now incapacitated for the rest of the week and help with your surprise. until then just sit tight and enjoy yourself... birthday boy."

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My story (introduction) the war of heaven

Even if i was a little baby i felt the cold air hit me like a rushing train. i heard laughter shouts cheers yelling of joy and victory........................ " its born the hybrid the end of the mortal world and heaven",said a women with a wierd sense i knew

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Nala's Venture: The Heavens Open Up

Nala walked across the desert with her head bowed. Her shoulders ached from walking and her throat was painfully raw; it had been almost a day since she had last had a sip of water. Her eyes were half lidded, it was hard to think of anything else but...

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Excerpt 18- Ram On Heaven's Door

"Ryu", I said, "a question if I may." "Of course", he replied. "What is so damn bad about this city?" Ryu sighed, "even before the outbreak, as I have stated before, Calos was a very dangerous city. Thugs running wild, drug dealers on every...

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Wreckage: Pawradisio Entry

"the music is something that's just part of heaven and every sphere has its' own special tune. we're on mars because it's simply one of the spheres of heaven."

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Wreckage: Pawradisio Entry

"the music is something that's just part of heaven and every sphere has its' own special tune. we're on mars because it's simply one of the spheres of heaven."

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Duty Chapter 26: Time to Roll

Chapter Twenty-Six: Time to Roll The two walked down the florescent lit hall and into the common office area. When they entered, the fifty officers in the room all looked up. Some were sitting at or on their desks. Some were huddled into corners...

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Duty Chapter 25: A Needed Calm

Chapter Twenty-Five: A Needed Calm Joji and Reis entered Joji's dark office. The blinds were down but open about a fourth of the way, allowing thin, separate rays of sun light to cascade through the room. Joji went over to his desk and opened the...

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Chapter 11: Hole in the Wall

Chapter Eleven: Hole in the Wall "Kinda slow tonight, ain't it Reggie?" Joji called over to the old goat behind the counter who was cleaning glasses. "It's Monday night, Sheriff. If you don't start making this a regular thing, I might as a well close...

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Chapter 10: The Paradox

Chapter Ten: The Paradox It didn't take long before Reis found himself back in Joji's office with the mysterious stranger. The entire ride over passed by like a flash, leaving only the foggy memory of sitting in unsettling silence as he could feel the...

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