A Bronze Rising: Investigative Dragon
I said, my head between the thick pine trunks.
A Brief History of Wildfox Island
Because of the presence of the sunset dandelion as well as a few other protected species, over 60 percent of the island is protected land known as sandy pines national park.
Coyote and the Wolf, part 2
The two opponents fail to notice the increasing scent of mint and pine. "by all the stars! you two are incorrigible! i turn my head for a few minutes, and your at it again!"
MLP: Believing in the Impossible - Chapter Twelve
"you do not understand the ways of destiny, pine one. none ever shall."
The Lone Courier
pine . . ." "it's almost like i don't trust ya."
Darwin's Legacy 4 - The Power of Attraction
It definitely came from inside the circle of pines before them.
Forest Love
It was only mid-afternoon, but under the shade of the pines it was as if dusk had fallen early. millions of pine needles, mostly brown, littered the ground, providing a soft susurrus as we walked through.
Invading Will, Chapter 1, Part 3
Henry ("ahndeleck") raogothcar wandered out into the morning sun, and fresh morning scent of pine. the pine trees around him were aglow with the bright fresh light and his pool below him shimmering with the sun's rays.
And now he was padding slowly, methodically into the campsite, his nose low to the ground, picking up little mousey footsteps on the pine needles, slowly, methodically making his way to the little pile of pine needles where i lay concealed.
The Cistern: Mizt Part 1
Just inside brown and cream furred pine marten was sitting behind the front desk working on papers.
Short and Sweet Dream Story
The terrain itself consisted of small hills, grey rocks, a few sheer cliffs, and small groves of pine trees here and there.
A step into the Wild
Springing form the patch of pine needles that bore his weight, he lurched into motion. bounding clearly three times his own body's length. arching gracefully through the air off of hind paws down to the fore paws. then it hit him.