Runaways chapter two: Soon the Time Will come

I finally feel free, free from my abusive "family", my spineless cowardice, and my helpless disposition. no longer will i simply stand and let others ruin me. my plan is playing out. i've gone to the cops and turned my father it for abuse.

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Werewulf part 12

Those who beat you for acting wrong have abusive families; and those who mock you for sport are constant targets at home.

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Razed - Chapter 4

He was like, yeah, i got this huge settlement from my abuser's family, he was from a very rich background, and i bought this big place and i like you, and you can just come live with me rent free if you want, at least for a while, while you figure out what

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Denver Chapter 2 - Spencer

When i moved out to go to college three years ago, my sister got taken away by child protective services, since we lived in an abusive family. so i will never get to see her again.

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Colors of the Rainbow, Part 3

"cases that involve juveniles usually don't go to me, but i think since we're talking about an abusive family of adults, i can take the case and counter it.

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The Mysteries Around Us Pt. 6 & 7

Another person jason had helped out of an abusive family through emancipation had ended up shooting a homeless person reaching out for money. he then shot himself in sorrow, ending the case.

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Red, Black and Grey: Part 1, Chapter 4

Sophie had picked up the bad habit of smoking when she had entered middle school as a way of coping with her overbearing and abusive family.

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Shadow of a Freelancer Ch 9.) The Great Sharpshooter

He had run away from home, and his abusive family. every day he had to steal to survive and every day he'd return here. it was his home now; located on the outskirts of the town he stole from to survive.

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Hating your own element/type part five

She was from an abused family and did not want to continue the cycle. the rain stopped a few hours later and her son was guided to two vampires and a shiny ditto. the ditto repaired him for a price.

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Anything to Start a Family

As it turns out, she was raised by an abusive family, being beaten on an almost daily basis. like most others in her situation, she had learned to 'deal with it'. this continued until about a week ago when her father tried to rape her.

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The Brothels of Lalande

The other two cellmates, vincent guerir and edward slayton, had similar disdain for organized religion, however they did not have to deal with a spiritually abusive family.

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All's Fair - Part 18

"it is not uncommon for furs like your friend to come from abusive families, nick," she said. i looked up quickly at her.

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