Hyena Sentencing and Submission 2
Banzai was roused from his sleep by a series of prods to his body. With an eye just barely opening he realized that it was a paw that was pushing at his body, trying to quietly wake him up. "Not now, Ed. Give me five minutes," he muttered, closing...
Vital Vial
It had been a long journey back, but at least it was over. Saying nothing to each other at first, Rocket and Blackjack left the docked ship, scowling at each other. They had taken up another bounty hunting gig, but things didn't go as planned....
Rocket's Best Mistake
Kaiden sighed, it had been just another annoying day working on the Orion space station in the Tacula sector, why was he doing this again? Oh yeah...he needed to save up to go to the academy...didn't mean it sucked any less, but at least it paid...
Rocket and Blackjack's Roughhousing
A lone ship cruised lazily through the stars, set on autopilot towards a distant solar system. On board were two bounty hunters. For better or worse they were stuck with each other in the small space. The relationship they shared was a strange one. One...
Top Dog
Lucario dragged his feet through the halls while approaching his dorm unit. He sighed as he sluggishly pulled up his keycard and unlocked the door before him. As soon as he was inside, he slumped against the wall and slid down onto the floor. "'Just...
Big and Bigger: Helpful Sister
Droplets of sweat trickled down Big Mac's hide as he walked underneath the heat of the scorching summer sun. A cart full of freshly-gathered apples rolled behind him, his muscles tense and bulging under the heavy load. Despite it, the stallion's face...
The Freiza Force's New Recruits
The Frieza Force were in need of some extras and of all the creatures in the universe, two stood above all; a small fennec by the name of Theo and a large bat called Bruce. Both of them proved to be highly talented fighters in their own rights, the...
Fifty Shades of What.
His anus was only mildly agape due to the mad angry fucking due to a pack of angry newt gingrich. the rhino was sweaty and smelled of fresh kiwi anal just how the jackle always dreamed.
Army of Shadows: Chapter 5
Seriously, what kind of people drive each other crazy just for the benefit of having angry sex with each other...although, granted, i can kind of see where they were coming from.
Bad texting
"hey, you denied me my angry sex." he says, still pouting over it.
A Centaur Surprise
"_ well, the gods seemed to be on his side, for a moment later grump went into his tent, then stopped at the door, turned around, and shouted "if anyone of you ladies wants to be on the receiving end of a very angry fuck, let me know.
Take a Seat
Though on the other hand; he had heard angry sex was much better than the usual fun and games, then again that angry sex usually didn't involve a recently mutated recliner turned tentacle monster.