Taking Chances - May Rule 34 Story #2
**"Taking Chances"** "Okay, Chance, okay I get it. You don't like me coming up with these inventions." Jake moaned as he dragged a paw down his face, briefly reacting to the smell of grease left behind. "But if we're going to combat crime in...
Taking Chances (Rule 34 Teaser)
"Taking Chances" "Okay, Chance, okay I get it. You don't like me coming up with these inventions." Jake moaned as he dragged a paw down his face, briefly reacting to the smell of grease left behind. "But if we're going to combat crime in Megakat City,...
Final Teaser - August Rule 34 Story #2 Stranded but Not Alone
"Stranded but Not Alone" The orange glow of the sunset showered the valley in its light through the sparce trees in the area that Chance had discovered the Turbokat several hours before. The machine was mangled almost beyond recognition, but he'd...
The Heroes of Cedar Woods
I know the title is fairly unspecific but this is a breath of fire 3 fanfic of rei and bunyan. the tags pretty much sum it all up.
Gangster Unicorns (pt 1)
The room had to be somewhere in the attic, Sunder figured. He couldn't tell from the view outside, because there were _no windows_, but the air was stuffy and smelled of dust and mothballs. Even though it was a warm, pleasant summer day outside there...
Breath of Fire III: Rei's Heat
#1 of breath of fire iii characters are owned by capcom. don't own or have any legal rights to. it was a cool afternoon in cedar woods with the birds singing in the trees and the wind make gentle sighs across the land.
Gangster Unicorns (pt 4)
It wasn't that far to Balio's office. Just two corridors over, and he didn't see anyone on the way there-- thankfully, given the state he was in. Honestly, with the way his day was going, if he had, no matter who, they'd probably have ended up fucking....
Gangster Unicorns (pt 2)
By the time Sunder caught up with Balio on the road, they were past McNeil and almost to the main fork to Wyndia. Balio looked almost normal, and only his gaze, unswervingly focused forward, and his gait, stomping down with excessive force, belied his...
The Guardians
They were deep in some ancient ruin-- Rei could never tell them apart; they all seemed to follow the same generic pattern to him-- when the thing jumped out at them. It was a weird-looking floating thing, with a single huge eyes-- whatever, he didn't...
The Super Unicorn Brothers
All characters in this story are copyrighted to their respectful creators, mostly capcom) (for those familiar with breath of fire iii, this story begins somewhere in the beginning, when a young dragon boy has just joined two forest outlaws near the mcneil
Her Flame - Commission
. -- virgin, impregnation, marking, mating commission for clawheart her flame a breath of fire 2 commission i saw him with nina again, and something inside of my gut twisted so violently that a low, rumbling growl built in my throat and made
Ryu's First Time
Rei's day had started like so many others. He'd spent the morning doing a bit of light theft at one of the nearby farms. Just enough to get by; the Woren thief might not care if the villagers liked him or not, but he was always careful not to push it...