Prophecy #1 Generations of Greatness (Shoreclan)
- **starclan's prophecy** - "a broken soul will burn like fire in the darkest of forests and bring the clan either a burden or a greatness."
In Regards
souls into the light as for why i write poetry it's simple to help people realize that they are not alone while i can't eliminate the source of the pain i can help prevent it and show them the way so they don't travel the same road i did.
Survival. the desire lives on. crushed and destroyed it rises. the phoenix... ashes no more this broken soul does cry. burns a new flame in this chest does live.
Introduction: Abandoned
A dark aura of negatively leaked from his broken soul, a shadow casted over his face as he looked down to the soil. the defeated wolf closed his eyes, silently picturing the past and warming memories of his life.
Hell hath no fury...
Awakening damnation, frozen air swirling as the rotted hands of hell forced against flagstones under her feet, the dark promise of abaddon's beastial lust rising from ash to embrace her broken soul ... ..thrown against the altar, cold pitted stone pressing
The sun will rise once more WIP
. - but when i found him and helped him to get up, he was raving something about broken soul, lost purpose and something like that... guard cat couldn't ask him for more, because when he wanted to, at least medic land near them.
Eden Garter, Dragon Anomaly, ch. 8
'as the saying goes, two broken souls will either mend each other or fuck each other up beyond repair.....' the question, though - was she willing to take that gamble?
Guadalupe (1)
Inside, a multitude of creeps from all odds and ends were in attendance; major pushers making huge strides of illegal drug-dealing business to a wide majority of portland's broken souls willing to seek out their own paltry wares.
Demons of the Past {Part 2}
You created a torn and broken soul because you couldn't handle your own. you pulled my innocent unbroken soul down to your level so you wouldn't be lonely."
Gonz and Draykan 1
I've already done more harm than good by taking a broken soul and breaking her more. i just want to end this torment and become a normal person once again." she places a hand upon his shoulder and smiles.
2015 in 3 Months
But, just like the mood swings from this year that tortured me even more during these past 3 months... life decided to finally have mercy on my broken soul. you know, life can give you so many surprises in such a short amount of time.
Because i'll tell you right fucking now that you're no more important in all reality than the rest of us, the line of broken souls in your wake, cast aside where they leapt, straining to be free of you.